Digital Revolutionaries Who Have Change The World

Prabhat Prakashan
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Kalyani Mookherji
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The invention of the transistor, the earliest computing machines, the world Wide Web and its evolution into the Internet marked the high points of this part of the digital revolution. These inventions changed the way people worked, studied as well as sought information and of entertainment. These inventions transformed entertainment, socializing, commerce, politics and studies in ways that would hardly be conceivable a generation back. The next major stage in the digital revolution was the arrival of mobile devices, starting with the cell phone in 1973. Eventually this led to the development of tablets and smartphone where a significant feature is the integration with Internet as well as online products and services. This has, in turn, opened up the scope for business, networking – both social and professional – and entertainment as never before. Not surprisingly a new breed of technology experts and entrepreneurs has sprung up to take advantage of this dynamic new medium. Greatest digital revolutionaries offers a brief glimpse into the work, achievements and future plans of some such individuals who have significantly contributed to the fields of Commerce, information Technology and related businesses.

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The invention of the transistor, the earliest computing machines, the world Wide Web and its evolution into the Internet marked the high points of this part of the digital revolution. These inventions changed the way people worked, studied as well as sought information and of entertainment. These inventions transformed entertainment, socializing, commerce, politics and studies in ways that would hardly be conceivable a generation back. The next major stage in the digital revolution was the arrival of mobile devices, starting with the cell phone in 1973. Eventually this led to the development of tablets and smartphone where a significant feature is the integration with Internet as well as online products and services. This has, in turn, opened up the scope for business, networking – both social and professional – and entertainment as never before. Not surprisingly a new breed of technology experts and entrepreneurs has sprung up to take advantage of this dynamic new medium. Greatest digital revolutionaries offers a brief glimpse into the work, achievements and future plans of some such individuals who have significantly contributed to the fields of Commerce, information Technology and related businesses.

About Author

Franz Kafka was born in 1883 in Prague, where he lived most of his life. During his lifetime, he published only a few short stories, including “The Metamorphosis,” “The Judgment,” and “The Stoker.” He died in 1924, before completing any of his full-length novels. At the end of his life, Kafka asked his lifelong friend and literary executor Max Brod to burn all his unpublished work. Brod overrode those wishes. ------- Franz Kafka (Praga, Imperio austrohúngaro, 3 de julio de 1883 - Kierling, Austria, 3 de junio de 1924) fue un escritor de origen judío nacido en Bohemia que escribió en alemán. Su obra está considerada una de las más influyentes de la literatura universal y está llena de temas y arquetipos sobre la alienación, la brutalidad física y psicológica, los conflictos entre padres e hijos, personajes en aventuras terroríficas, laberintos de burocracia, y transformaciones místicas. Fue autor de tres novelas, El proceso (Der Prozeß), El castillo (Das Schloß) y El desaparecido (Amerika o Der Verschollene), la novela corta La metamorfosis (Die Verwandlung) y un gran número de relatos cortos. Además, dejó una abundante correspondencia y escritos autobiográficos. Su peculiar estilo literario ha sido comúnmente asociado con la filosofía artística del existencialismo --al que influenció-- y el expresionismo. Estudiosos de Kafka discuten sobre cómo interpretar al autor, algunos hablan de la posible influencia de alguna ideología política antiburocrática, de una religiosidad mística o de una reivindicación de su minoría etnocultural, mientras otros se fijan en el contenido psicológico de sus obras. Sus relaciones personales también tuvieron gran impacto en su escritura, particularmente su padre (Carta al padre), su prometida Felice Bauer (Cartas a Felice) y su hermana (Cartas a Ottla). El término kafkiano se usa en el idioma español para describir situaciones surrealistas como las que se encuentran en sus libros y tiene sus equivalentes en otros idiomas. Solo unas pocas de sus obras fueron publicadas durante su vida. La mayor parte, incluyendo trabajos incompletos, fueron publicados por su amigo Max Brod, quien ignoró los deseos del autor de que los manuscritos fueran destruidos.
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