The Essence of Leadership

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
S Manikutty and Sampat Singh
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The book takes a completely different take from the conventional texts by focusing on reading and analysis of world literature and connecting them to leadership. Understanding leadership is really about understanding life, and this starts with gaining an understanding of the self. Traditional management approaches, based on ‘scientific’ analysis, cannot contribute much towards understanding leadership. This book shows how leadership can be better understood by reading and interpreting masterpieces of world literature, and relating them to leadership issues. The book starts with Cervantes’ masterpiece Don Quixote, whose main character asserts, ‘I know who I am’, and believes in himself. This is followed by other works to highlight important issues: ambition and purpose in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, faith vs. reason in Bertolt Brecht’s The Life of Galileo, awakening the human spirit in Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan, authenticity in Girish Karnad’s Tughlaq, and the old Sanskrit play Mudra Rakshasa by Visakhadatta, leaders and society in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, the role of illusions in Ibsen’s The Wild Duck, taking a stand in A Dolls’ House, the epic Mahabharata for development of perspective, and Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha for understanding the process of selfdevelopment and realisation of one’s potential. Based on the experience of the authors teaching a course on leadership for the last 2 years at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, this is an enlightening and illuminating read for both academicians and corporate leaders

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The book takes a completely different take from the conventional texts by focusing on reading and analysis of world literature and connecting them to leadership. Understanding leadership is really about understanding life, and this starts with gaining an understanding of the self. Traditional management approaches, based on ‘scientific’ analysis, cannot contribute much towards understanding leadership. This book shows how leadership can be better understood by reading and interpreting masterpieces of world literature, and relating them to leadership issues. The book starts with Cervantes’ masterpiece Don Quixote, whose main character asserts, ‘I know who I am’, and believes in himself. This is followed by other works to highlight important issues: ambition and purpose in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, faith vs. reason in Bertolt Brecht’s The Life of Galileo, awakening the human spirit in Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan, authenticity in Girish Karnad’s Tughlaq, and the old Sanskrit play Mudra Rakshasa by Visakhadatta, leaders and society in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, the role of illusions in Ibsen’s The Wild Duck, taking a stand in A Dolls’ House, the epic Mahabharata for development of perspective, and Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha for understanding the process of selfdevelopment and realisation of one’s potential. Based on the experience of the authors teaching a course on leadership for the last 2 years at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, this is an enlightening and illuminating read for both academicians and corporate leaders

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