Muslim Slave System In Medieval India

Aditya Prakashan
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K S Lal
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Slavery originated during the age of savagery and continued into ancient civilizations. Slavery was there in Babylon and elsewhere in Mesopotamia; it was widely prevalent in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, centuries before the coming of Christ. Ancient India also had slaves but they were so mildly treated that foreign visitors like Megasthenes, who were acquainted with their fate in other countries, failed to notice the existence of slavery in this country. An altogether new dimension—religious sanction—was added to the institution of slavery with the rise of Christianity to power in the Roman Empire. Hitherto, slavery had been a creation of the crude in human nature—the urge to dominate over others, to make use of others for private comfort and profit. Now it was ordained that the God of the Christians had bestowed the whole earth and all its wealth on the believers, that the infidels had no natural or human rights, and that the believers, that the infidels had no natural or human rights, and that the believers could do to the infidels whatever they chose—kill them, plunder them, reduce them to the status of slaves or non-citizens. In short, slavery became a divinely ordained institution.

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1 review for Muslim Slave System In Medieval India

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  1. Vineet Kumar Singh

    One of the greatest boon the modern society has received is abolition of slavery across the globe. This book gives detail accounts of origin of slave system in India and their employment during Muslim rules. The main source of obtaining slave was by capture and purchase. Slaves were traded as commodity. Two main means of their disposal were manumission and sale. It is fact that slavery and loot was the foundation on which almost whole of Islamic rule throughout the history depended. It was more to interest of rulers, nobles, merchants and manufacturers to purchase than to hire their workmen. Merchants from Turkey, Syria, Persia and Transoxiana used to approach muslim kings and their consignments. As Thomas Patrick Hughes says “slavery of Islam is interwoven with the law of marriage, the law of sale, and the law of inheritance.. and its abolition would strike at the very foundation of the code of Muhammadanism”. What a pity that a state has to be dependent upon loot and slave to survive. Since it has been legalised by muslim law to rape, plunder, loot and enslave the non-muslims. The muslims felt no immorality in these crimes and indulged wholesomely. Hindus otherwise great traders and merchants throughout Indian History, were not interested in this inhuman business. However, later European followed muslims in slavery business. It is horrible to think that there were slave markets in all important cities in medieval world. Although slavery has gone but as it is part and parcel of Islamic rule, burqa can be defined as residue of Muslim slave system.

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Slavery originated during the age of savagery and continued into ancient civilizations. Slavery was there in Babylon and elsewhere in Mesopotamia; it was widely prevalent in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, centuries before the coming of Christ. Ancient India also had slaves but they were so mildly treated that foreign visitors like Megasthenes, who were acquainted with their fate in other countries, failed to notice the existence of slavery in this country. An altogether new dimension—religious sanction—was added to the institution of slavery with the rise of Christianity to power in the Roman Empire. Hitherto, slavery had been a creation of the crude in human nature—the urge to dominate over others, to make use of others for private comfort and profit. Now it was ordained that the God of the Christians had bestowed the whole earth and all its wealth on the believers, that the infidels had no natural or human rights, and that the believers, that the infidels had no natural or human rights, and that the believers could do to the infidels whatever they chose—kill them, plunder them, reduce them to the status of slaves or non-citizens. In short, slavery became a divinely ordained institution.

About Author

Kishori Saran Lal (1920–2002) was an Indian historian. He wrote many historical books, mainly on medieval India. He obtained his master's degree in 1941 at the University of Allahabad. In 1945 he obtained his D.Phil. with a dissertation on the history of the Khaljis. This dissertation formed the basis for his book "History of the Khaljis". He started his career as a Lecturer of History in the Allahabad University, though he served in this position only for a brief period. In 2001 he was appointed chairman of the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR).
1 review

1 review for Muslim Slave System In Medieval India

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  1. Vineet Kumar Singh

    One of the greatest boon the modern society has received is abolition of slavery across the globe. This book gives detail accounts of origin of slave system in India and their employment during Muslim rules. The main source of obtaining slave was by capture and purchase. Slaves were traded as commodity. Two main means of their disposal were manumission and sale. It is fact that slavery and loot was the foundation on which almost whole of Islamic rule throughout the history depended. It was more to interest of rulers, nobles, merchants and manufacturers to purchase than to hire their workmen. Merchants from Turkey, Syria, Persia and Transoxiana used to approach muslim kings and their consignments. As Thomas Patrick Hughes says “slavery of Islam is interwoven with the law of marriage, the law of sale, and the law of inheritance.. and its abolition would strike at the very foundation of the code of Muhammadanism”. What a pity that a state has to be dependent upon loot and slave to survive. Since it has been legalised by muslim law to rape, plunder, loot and enslave the non-muslims. The muslims felt no immorality in these crimes and indulged wholesomely. Hindus otherwise great traders and merchants throughout Indian History, were not interested in this inhuman business. However, later European followed muslims in slavery business. It is horrible to think that there were slave markets in all important cities in medieval world. Although slavery has gone but as it is part and parcel of Islamic rule, burqa can be defined as residue of Muslim slave system.

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