Mind and its Education

Kaveri Books
| Author:
Betts, George Herbert
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Kaveri Books
Betts, George Herbert


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This books ia a study of mind and its education. It is easy to understand how we may investigate the great world of material things about us; for we can see it, touch it, or measure it. But how are we to discover the nature of mind, or come to know the processes by which consciousness works? For mind is intangible, we can not seet it, feel it or hand it. Mind belongs not to the realm of matter which is known to the senses, but to the realm of spirit, which the senses can never grasp. And yet the mind can be known and studied as truly and as scientifically as can the world of matter. The subject matter of this book is made concrete and practical by the use of several illustrations and through application to real problems. The style has been kept easy and familiar to facilitate the reading and hope that the book would be of interest and value to students of all ages and to the general public as well. Contents: The Mind, Or Consciousness/ Attention/ The Brain and Nervous System/ Mental Development and Motor Training/ Habit/ Sensation/ Perception/ Mental Images and Ideas/ Imagination/ Association/ Memory/ Thinking/ Instinct/ Feeling and its Functions/ The Emotions/ Interest/ The Will/ Self-Expression and Development/ Index. About the Author: George Herbert Betts, Ph.D., was the Professor of Psychology in Cornell College, lowa, USA.


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This books ia a study of mind and its education. It is easy to understand how we may investigate the great world of material things about us; for we can see it, touch it, or measure it. But how are we to discover the nature of mind, or come to know the processes by which consciousness works? For mind is intangible, we can not seet it, feel it or hand it. Mind belongs not to the realm of matter which is known to the senses, but to the realm of spirit, which the senses can never grasp. And yet the mind can be known and studied as truly and as scientifically as can the world of matter. The subject matter of this book is made concrete and practical by the use of several illustrations and through application to real problems. The style has been kept easy and familiar to facilitate the reading and hope that the book would be of interest and value to students of all ages and to the general public as well. Contents: The Mind, Or Consciousness/ Attention/ The Brain and Nervous System/ Mental Development and Motor Training/ Habit/ Sensation/ Perception/ Mental Images and Ideas/ Imagination/ Association/ Memory/ Thinking/ Instinct/ Feeling and its Functions/ The Emotions/ Interest/ The Will/ Self-Expression and Development/ Index. About the Author: George Herbert Betts, Ph.D., was the Professor of Psychology in Cornell College, lowa, USA.

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