Gandhi A Life in Three Campaigns

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
M.J. Akbar K. Natwar Singh
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Bloomsbury Publishing
M.J. Akbar K. Natwar Singh


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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, justly venerated as a Mahatma, dismantled the mightiest empire in world history through the inspirational power of three pivotal mass campaigns across two decades. Measured by time, they were brief. Non-cooperation and the Salt Satyagraha lasted barely two years each. Gandhi was arrested on the day the Quit Movement was launched in August 1942, but it ended the British Raj centerpiece of the far-flung British empire.
Gandhi destroyed the myth of British invincibility and triggered a global wave that ended the age of European colonialism. In 1920 Gandhi liberated Indians from fear. In 1930 he turned a pinch of salt into a metaphor for the punitive colonial exploitation of the impoverished.
The call to Quit India in 1942 sent a final unambiguous message to foreign overlords Indians would prefer death to life in foreign fetters. Once Gandhi had unchained India, history could no longer remain dormant.


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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, justly venerated as a Mahatma, dismantled the mightiest empire in world history through the inspirational power of three pivotal mass campaigns across two decades. Measured by time, they were brief. Non-cooperation and the Salt Satyagraha lasted barely two years each. Gandhi was arrested on the day the Quit Movement was launched in August 1942, but it ended the British Raj centerpiece of the far-flung British empire.
Gandhi destroyed the myth of British invincibility and triggered a global wave that ended the age of European colonialism. In 1920 Gandhi liberated Indians from fear. In 1930 he turned a pinch of salt into a metaphor for the punitive colonial exploitation of the impoverished.
The call to Quit India in 1942 sent a final unambiguous message to foreign overlords Indians would prefer death to life in foreign fetters. Once Gandhi had unchained India, history could no longer remain dormant.

About Author

M.J. Akbar is a distinguished author whose many books have focused on social schisms and religious tensions fomented by colonial policy. He has had a parallel career as editor and reporter. During his long career in journalism, he launched, as editor, India's first weekly political news magazine, Sunday in 1976, and two daily newspapers, The Telegraph in 1982 and The Asian Age in 1994. He has also been editorial director of India Today and The Sunday Guardian. He is also the author of several internationally acclaimed books, including Gandhi's Hinduism the Struggle Against Jinnah's Islam, India: The Siege Within; Nehru: The Making of India; Kashmir: Behind the Vale; The Shade of Swords: Jihad and the Conflict between Islam and Christianity; Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan; and Blood Brothers, a novel. In addition there have been four collections of his columns, reportage and essays. K. Natwar Singh is a well-known author, diplomat and politician. He has been ambassador to Pakistan. He was attached to the office of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi from 1966 to 1971. He has been a member of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, and served as Minister of State and Minister for External Affairs. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1984. Since 2005, he has been honorary fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. His books include E.M. Forster: A Tribute, Profiles and Letters, Heart to Heart, and The Magnificent Maharaja. He lives in New Delhi.


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