6 Attitudes for Winners (Tamil)

Jaico Publishing House
| Author:
Norman Vincent Peale
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When a difficulty strikes, the tendency is to panic or to be upset, even resentful. These are emotional reactions of an undisciplined mind. Decisions or actions based on such emotional responses lack rationality and may even backfire, making the situation worse. Having a positive attitude during trying times can alter the outcome to your benefit. Your mind is your greatest asset. A calm, rational mind will come up with creative solutions to get around a problem. Therefore, your attitudes are the keys to success. So why not boost them with the practical tips given in this book? Discover which attitude will help you to:
1 Face fears 2Put excitement into life 3Confront worries 4Throw away personality crutches 5Anticipate the future 6Solve problems creatively


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When a difficulty strikes, the tendency is to panic or to be upset, even resentful. These are emotional reactions of an undisciplined mind. Decisions or actions based on such emotional responses lack rationality and may even backfire, making the situation worse. Having a positive attitude during trying times can alter the outcome to your benefit. Your mind is your greatest asset. A calm, rational mind will come up with creative solutions to get around a problem. Therefore, your attitudes are the keys to success. So why not boost them with the practical tips given in this book? Discover which attitude will help you to:
1 Face fears 2Put excitement into life 3Confront worries 4Throw away personality crutches 5Anticipate the future 6Solve problems creatively

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About Author

Norman Vincent Peale is the author of 46 books, including Positive Imaging, Reaching Your Potential, Think Like a Winner, and The True Joy of Positive Living. He is known as the progenitor of the theory of positive thinking.


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