Xenos Rampant: Science Fiction Wargame Battles

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Daniel Mersey
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Bloomsbury Publishing
Daniel Mersey


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Science Fiction wargame rules for large skirmishes, based on the popular Rampant system. Xenos Rampant is a setting agnostic, large skirmish, miniature wargame for fighting science fiction battles using 28mm figures. Developed from the popular Lion Rampant ruleset, the core mechanics featured within will be instantly recognisable to those familiar with the other Rampant systems, while still being accessible to new players. Xenos Rampant contains all the rules, army lists, and scenarios required to fight science fiction battles as well as a whole host of subgenres including: post-apocalyptic, weird war, near future. So, whatever your science fiction preference, the rules can cover it – just let your imagination run rampant.


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Science Fiction wargame rules for large skirmishes, based on the popular Rampant system. Xenos Rampant is a setting agnostic, large skirmish, miniature wargame for fighting science fiction battles using 28mm figures. Developed from the popular Lion Rampant ruleset, the core mechanics featured within will be instantly recognisable to those familiar with the other Rampant systems, while still being accessible to new players. Xenos Rampant contains all the rules, army lists, and scenarios required to fight science fiction battles as well as a whole host of subgenres including: post-apocalyptic, weird war, near future. So, whatever your science fiction preference, the rules can cover it – just let your imagination run rampant.

About Author

Sci-Fi has always been there for Daniel Mersey. Significant events include the Buck Rogers TV show, a certain hardback rulebook released in 1987, TTG's Laserburn rules, and, of course, Aliens and Star Wars. He has spent more than three decades leading miniature armies to spectacular defeat on tabletop battlefields – he has won no medals and his armies will never salute him. Daniel has been writing books, gaming articles, and rulesets since the 199s and has received two Origins Awards nominations and a UK Games Expo Judges' Award for his Osprey Publishing designs. In 221, Daniel was appointed as the University of Edinburgh's first ever Games Designer in Residence. As for many wargamers, it was HeroQuest and Space Crusade that drew Richard Cowen into the hobby in the early 199s… and he has never managed to leave. Richard has written fan rules and fiction for decades, with a passion for simple yet evocative systems that can translate science fiction books and films to the tabletop. Much of his recent work has been posted on his blog (richardcowen.wordpress.com) and he is also working on a series of novels in a Fantasy World War I setting. Mike Doscher is a concept artist and illustrator living in the American Midwest. While growing up in California he acquired an interest in both art and how machines worked. Discovering digital art in college, he left ceramics behind and joined the game industry where he has remained for fifteen years and counting.


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