The Power Of Positive Thinking For Young Peple

Better Yourself
| Author:
Norman Vincent Peale
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Better Yourself
Norman Vincent Peale


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This is the silver anniversary edition of The Power of Positive Thinking, a global bestseller by Norman Vincent Peale. It sends out an influential message on confidence and creativity.

Summary of the Book

This title discusses practical methods that can help you energize your lives. It reveals how you possess the strength to realise your ambitions and hopes. It explains how to believe in yourself and have faith in everything you do and reach your goals. Peale tells you how you can stop worrying about things that aren’t really necessary to be pondered upon, and how you can lead a more relaxed life. You can change the circumstances you currently live in, which would ultimately lead to better relationships with other people, and you become well-liked by others.


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This is the silver anniversary edition of The Power of Positive Thinking, a global bestseller by Norman Vincent Peale. It sends out an influential message on confidence and creativity.

Summary of the Book

This title discusses practical methods that can help you energize your lives. It reveals how you possess the strength to realise your ambitions and hopes. It explains how to believe in yourself and have faith in everything you do and reach your goals. Peale tells you how you can stop worrying about things that aren’t really necessary to be pondered upon, and how you can lead a more relaxed life. You can change the circumstances you currently live in, which would ultimately lead to better relationships with other people, and you become well-liked by others.

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