The Holy Puranas (Set of 3 Volumes)

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Bibek Debroy; Dipavali Debroy
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Bibek Debroy; Dipavali Debroy


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“The Holy Puranas” is a three-volume series written by authors Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy. This monumental work delves into the sacred and ancient texts of the Puranas, presenting them in a comprehensive and accessible manner.

The Puranas are a genre of ancient Indian texts that contain a wealth of mythological, religious, and historical narratives. They cover a wide range of topics, including cosmology, mythology, legends of gods and goddesses, genealogies of kings and sages, religious rituals, and moral teachings. The Puranas have played a significant role in shaping Hindu religious and cultural traditions.

In “The Holy Puranas,” the authors have undertaken the task of translating and presenting these profound texts for modern readers. The three volumes provide a detailed and insightful exploration of the Puranas, shedding light on their significance in the context of Hinduism and Indian culture.

Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy, known for their scholarship in the field of Indian literature and culture, have made these ancient texts more accessible to a wide audience. Their work allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the rich spiritual and cultural heritage preserved in the Puranas.

“The Holy Puranas” is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, students, and anyone interested in delving into the profound world of ancient Indian scriptures. It provides an opportunity to explore the spiritual, historical, and mythological dimensions of the Puranas and their enduring influence on Indian society and religion. These volumes are a significant contribution to the study of Hinduism and its sacred texts.


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“The Holy Puranas” is a three-volume series written by authors Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy. This monumental work delves into the sacred and ancient texts of the Puranas, presenting them in a comprehensive and accessible manner.

The Puranas are a genre of ancient Indian texts that contain a wealth of mythological, religious, and historical narratives. They cover a wide range of topics, including cosmology, mythology, legends of gods and goddesses, genealogies of kings and sages, religious rituals, and moral teachings. The Puranas have played a significant role in shaping Hindu religious and cultural traditions.

In “The Holy Puranas,” the authors have undertaken the task of translating and presenting these profound texts for modern readers. The three volumes provide a detailed and insightful exploration of the Puranas, shedding light on their significance in the context of Hinduism and Indian culture.

Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy, known for their scholarship in the field of Indian literature and culture, have made these ancient texts more accessible to a wide audience. Their work allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the rich spiritual and cultural heritage preserved in the Puranas.

“The Holy Puranas” is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, students, and anyone interested in delving into the profound world of ancient Indian scriptures. It provides an opportunity to explore the spiritual, historical, and mythological dimensions of the Puranas and their enduring influence on Indian society and religion. These volumes are a significant contribution to the study of Hinduism and its sacred texts.

About Author

Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy are accomplished authors and scholars known for their contributions to the fields of literature, economics, and the study of ancient Indian texts. Bibek Debroy is a renowned Indian economist, writer, and translator. He has held several significant positions in academia and government, including serving as a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India. Bibek Debroy is celebrated for his work on translating and interpreting ancient Indian texts, making them more accessible to a broader audience. His deep understanding of Indian culture, history, and literature is reflected in his scholarly pursuits, particularly in his translations of ancient texts like the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Dipavali Debroy, often collaborating with her husband Bibek Debroy, has made significant contributions to the field of literature and translation. She has been instrumental in bringing the richness of Indian culture and spirituality to a wider readership. Her collaboration with Bibek Debroy in translating and presenting ancient texts like the Puranas has added depth and accessibility to these profound scriptures. Together, Bibek Debroy and Dipavali Debroy have worked on projects that bridge the gap between ancient Indian wisdom and the modern world. Their translations and interpretations of classical texts have made a profound impact on the understanding of Indian culture, religion, and philosophy. They have significantly contributed to the preservation and dissemination of India's rich literary and spiritual heritage. Both authors have left an indelible mark on the study of Indian texts, literature, and culture. Their work has made these ancient treasures more approachable and relevant for contemporary readers, scholars, and enthusiasts worldwide.


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