The Epic Book of Epicness

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Adam Frost
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Pick up this book and see what you can find… Crikey! That’s dead scary. If all the dead people on earth came back to life as zombies there would be 11 billion zombies in the world. Aagh! Run for your life! Check your worryometer! If you see a tiger shark be very afraid, it will eat you. On the other hand if it’s a zebra shark – did you know they don’t attack people? Safe! Is there anybody there? Messaging home from outer space can take forever! If you’re on Venus, a message sent would reach home in 8 minutes and from Neptune it would take over 4 hours! Better check you’re in range. Seeing RED! You’ll have to travel all the way to Antarctica to see a red waterfall. It’s called Blood Falls and the water is turned red by the element iron. WOW! Top trunks! Find out all the things an elephant does with its trunk. He would die without it. GAV! GAV! It’s barking, literally, a dog bark in Russian. You’ll find many of the noises animals make in different languages. WOOF! WOOF! How cool is that!

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Pick up this book and see what you can find… Crikey! That’s dead scary. If all the dead people on earth came back to life as zombies there would be 11 billion zombies in the world. Aagh! Run for your life! Check your worryometer! If you see a tiger shark be very afraid, it will eat you. On the other hand if it’s a zebra shark – did you know they don’t attack people? Safe! Is there anybody there? Messaging home from outer space can take forever! If you’re on Venus, a message sent would reach home in 8 minutes and from Neptune it would take over 4 hours! Better check you’re in range. Seeing RED! You’ll have to travel all the way to Antarctica to see a red waterfall. It’s called Blood Falls and the water is turned red by the element iron. WOW! Top trunks! Find out all the things an elephant does with its trunk. He would die without it. GAV! GAV! It’s barking, literally, a dog bark in Russian. You’ll find many of the noises animals make in different languages. WOOF! WOOF! How cool is that!

About Author

Adam Frost is one of the UK's most exciting new children's writers. His stories can be found in print, online and in exhibitions and installations. He has won the Blue Peter Book Award 216 - Best Book with Facts, and been nominated for the Ottakar's (now Waterstone's) Children's Book Prize.
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