Stuti Gupta (Set Of 2 Books): Magical Mythology | Vahana

Srishti Publishers
| Author:
Stuti Gupta
| Language:
| Format:
Omnibus/Box Set (Paperback)


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  1. Magical Mythology :- Ever wondered how baby Rama got the moon to play with? And how little Krishna defeated a big, black snake to get his ball. Hanuman and Ganesha are also up to something adventurous. Join these little heroes as they swing between being naughty, heroic, curious, creative and thoroughly entertaining. In Magical Mythology, we have put together more than twenty fascinating and unheard of stories from the rich Indian mythology. The stories will amaze you, amuse you and will leave you wanting to read more. You will also find in the book: ° Beautiful illustrations ° Word games and puzzles ° Creative activities ° Colouring pages ° Life lessons at the end of stories ° Lots of fun
  2. Vahana: Vehicles of the Gods | A beautifully illustrated book with 15 stories about Gods & Goddesses for Children :- The book is a collection of fifteen stories – some telling us how gods got their vahana – or vehicles; others narrating their fun and adventures together. These are some interesting and hilarious stories about Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Durga, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Indra, among others, and their adorable vahanas. Have you ever wondered why Shiv ji’s mount – Nandi, the bull – sits opposite him in all the temples? He never lets Mahadev out of his sight. Goddess Lakshmi is organizing a race for all the birds and animals in the forest. Wonder why? Because she wants to choose her vahana, her mount. Even Indra, the king of gods, is tired of walking around. He is requesting Brahma ji for a majestic mount. Will he get one? VAHANA: VEHICLES OF THE GODS will answer all these questions. You can read cute stories associated with gods and how they got their beloved vahanas. You will find in this book:
    • Fifteen entertaining stories about gods and their mounts • The perfect book to introduce Hindu gods and goddesses to children
    • Beautiful illustrations with all stories • Puzzles and coloring pages for fun • Great for parent-child bonding
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  1. Magical Mythology :- Ever wondered how baby Rama got the moon to play with? And how little Krishna defeated a big, black snake to get his ball. Hanuman and Ganesha are also up to something adventurous. Join these little heroes as they swing between being naughty, heroic, curious, creative and thoroughly entertaining. In Magical Mythology, we have put together more than twenty fascinating and unheard of stories from the rich Indian mythology. The stories will amaze you, amuse you and will leave you wanting to read more. You will also find in the book: ° Beautiful illustrations ° Word games and puzzles ° Creative activities ° Colouring pages ° Life lessons at the end of stories ° Lots of fun
  2. Vahana: Vehicles of the Gods | A beautifully illustrated book with 15 stories about Gods & Goddesses for Children :- The book is a collection of fifteen stories – some telling us how gods got their vahana – or vehicles; others narrating their fun and adventures together. These are some interesting and hilarious stories about Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Durga, Ganesha, Kartikeya, Indra, among others, and their adorable vahanas. Have you ever wondered why Shiv ji’s mount – Nandi, the bull – sits opposite him in all the temples? He never lets Mahadev out of his sight. Goddess Lakshmi is organizing a race for all the birds and animals in the forest. Wonder why? Because she wants to choose her vahana, her mount. Even Indra, the king of gods, is tired of walking around. He is requesting Brahma ji for a majestic mount. Will he get one? VAHANA: VEHICLES OF THE GODS will answer all these questions. You can read cute stories associated with gods and how they got their beloved vahanas. You will find in this book:
    • Fifteen entertaining stories about gods and their mounts • The perfect book to introduce Hindu gods and goddesses to children
    • Beautiful illustrations with all stories • Puzzles and coloring pages for fun • Great for parent-child bonding

About Author

Stuti Gupta has been a storyteller all her life. Digging out tales from everyday life, history, mythology and folk traditions is her forte. She has earlier introduced 101 Best Indian Fables for Children and compiled Popular Indian Fairy Tales, which have been loved and appreciated by thousands of readers.
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