RSS 360

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Ratan Sharda
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| Format:
Bloomsbury Publishing
Ratan Sharda


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Founded in 1925, banned three times by the governments of independent India but with a widespread network of thousands of local branches and millions of volunteers, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s (RSS) presence and influence is formidable. However, it has long been acknowledged that the best way to know the RSS is to join it. Perhaps, this is why there is very little literature on how it functions. As a senior member who has managed various responsibilities in the RSS over the years, Ratan Sharda reveals the supposedly secret world of this volunteer organisation. He presents a comprehensive view of the Sangh’s philosophy, its workings and its humungous reach through various organisations inspired by it across India in a simple and easy-flowing manner, sprinkled with interesting anecdotes.With an insider’s knowledge of the philosophy, organisational structure and working of this huge cadre-based organisation, RSS 36º is a compelling read, attempting to lift the alleged veil of secrecy that shrouds the organisation.


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Founded in 1925, banned three times by the governments of independent India but with a widespread network of thousands of local branches and millions of volunteers, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s (RSS) presence and influence is formidable. However, it has long been acknowledged that the best way to know the RSS is to join it. Perhaps, this is why there is very little literature on how it functions. As a senior member who has managed various responsibilities in the RSS over the years, Ratan Sharda reveals the supposedly secret world of this volunteer organisation. He presents a comprehensive view of the Sangh’s philosophy, its workings and its humungous reach through various organisations inspired by it across India in a simple and easy-flowing manner, sprinkled with interesting anecdotes.With an insider’s knowledge of the philosophy, organisational structure and working of this huge cadre-based organisation, RSS 36º is a compelling read, attempting to lift the alleged veil of secrecy that shrouds the organisation.

About Author

Ratan Sharda has been an RSS member since his childhood, working across various levels of the organisation for years. He has also worked as an Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) member during the Indian Emergency. Sharda was jailed during this period when he was the general secretary of his college students' union. He enjoys a wide exposure to the working style of not only the RSS but of its various affiliated organisations as well. Born in Mumbai, Sharda graduated from St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, and completed his postgraduation from Mumbai University. He has recently been awarded a PhD for his thesis 'Understanding RSS through Its Resolutions, with Focus on North East, Jammu Kashmir and Punjab'. He is the founder member of the Vishwa Adhyayan Kendra (Centre for International Studies), Mumbai, having acted as its general secretary for eight years. Sharda is a well-known face on TV panels as a commentator on national issues. As a political analyst and columnist, he contributes to the Organiser, Newsbharati, The Quint, The Print and Panchjanya, among other magazines and news magazines.


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