Riddles in Hinduism

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Ambedkar, B.R
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Ambedkar, B.R


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Hinduism claims one billion adherents worldwide. To all those who hold this religion dear, B. R. Ambedkar poses many riddles: is it even a religion? Who is a Hindu? Like most of his writings, riddles in Hinduism remained unpublished during his lifetime. When the state of Maharashtra finally printed it in 1987, The Shiv sena sought a ban. While the liberals looked away, the Dalit movement circulated copies. At a time when the state and the Hindu right are painting Ambedkar as a ‘Hindu’ figure, this fierce critique—now with illuminating annotations— shows us how and why Ambedkar had no love for Hinduism. In his introduction, Kancha Ilaiah shepherd tells us why Hinduism is facing its biggest ever challenge from dalitbahujans. Ambedkar was one, today there are a million Ambedkar.


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Hinduism claims one billion adherents worldwide. To all those who hold this religion dear, B. R. Ambedkar poses many riddles: is it even a religion? Who is a Hindu? Like most of his writings, riddles in Hinduism remained unpublished during his lifetime. When the state of Maharashtra finally printed it in 1987, The Shiv sena sought a ban. While the liberals looked away, the Dalit movement circulated copies. At a time when the state and the Hindu right are painting Ambedkar as a ‘Hindu’ figure, this fierce critique—now with illuminating annotations— shows us how and why Ambedkar had no love for Hinduism. In his introduction, Kancha Ilaiah shepherd tells us why Hinduism is facing its biggest ever challenge from dalitbahujans. Ambedkar was one, today there are a million Ambedkar.

About Author

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891– 1956) was a statesman, lawyer, editor of newspapers, and political thinker who waged a relentless, lifelong struggle for the rights of dalits. He was born in an ‘untouchable’ mahar family in Mhow in present-day Madhya Pradesh. Having earned doctorates from both Columbia University and the London School of Economics, he went on to serve as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution. Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd, best known for Why I Am Not a Hindu, is a political thinker. His latest book is From a Shepherd Boy to an Intellectual: My Memoirs. He lives in Hyderabad.


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