Power Within: The Leadership Legacy Of Narendra Modi

Vintage Books
| Author:
R. Balasubramaniam
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| Format:
Vintage Books
R. Balasubramaniam


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Western thought on leadership is trait-oriented; it emphasizes the importance of ‘being a leader’. Indian leadership offers a contrast―it focuses on the ‘exercise of leadership’. Power Within introspects on this practice as it captures the civilizational wisdom of Bharat through the lived experience of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The book delves into the fifty years of his public life and explores how he discovered his purpose, the seeds of which were sown in his formative years. Poignant anecdotes from his colleagues shed light on how his relentless hard work and communicative approach propelled him to the prime ministerial post. They also underscore his constant quest for self-discovery in the service of others.

In a carefully crafted narrative, R. Balasubramaniam captures Modi’s leadership journey and interprets it

through Western and Indic lenses, amalgamating them to provide a road map for those who aspire to a life of public service.


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Western thought on leadership is trait-oriented; it emphasizes the importance of ‘being a leader’. Indian leadership offers a contrast―it focuses on the ‘exercise of leadership’. Power Within introspects on this practice as it captures the civilizational wisdom of Bharat through the lived experience of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The book delves into the fifty years of his public life and explores how he discovered his purpose, the seeds of which were sown in his formative years. Poignant anecdotes from his colleagues shed light on how his relentless hard work and communicative approach propelled him to the prime ministerial post. They also underscore his constant quest for self-discovery in the service of others.

In a carefully crafted narrative, R. Balasubramaniam captures Modi’s leadership journey and interprets it

through Western and Indic lenses, amalgamating them to provide a road map for those who aspire to a life of public service.

About Author

R. Balasubramaniam, also known as Balu, is a widely respected development activist, leadership trainer, thinker and author. The founder of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement and Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement, Dr Balu embodies a rare blend of grassroots and macro perspectives along with policy, drawn from his multifaceted experience spanning nearly four decades. A former Rhodes Professor at Cornell University, USA, he coaches and mentors senior leaders in the non-profit, corporate, government and educational sectors globally, and also conducts leadership workshops for them. He is currently serving as the member-HR at the Capacity Building Commission, Government of India. He has authored nine books in Kannada and English―three of them, i, the Citizen, Voices from the Grassroots and Leadership Lessons for Daily Living, are globally acclaimed. More information about him, his work and his books can be found at www.drrbalu.com.


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