One of a Kind: A Story about Sorting and

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From the bestselling illustrator Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads comes a witty, magnificently-produced book, playing with the idea of “sorting”. The animal kingdom, modes of transport, musical instruments, art and architectural movements, cloud classification €¦ anything and everything can be sorted into groups! Framed by a charming narrative about a father and son, this is a book about categories; on a journey into town, a boy called Arvo explores the many ways in which we classify the world around us, to charming: and often amusing: effect. One of a Kind marks Neil Packer’s debut as an author-illustrator, following his extraordinary artwork for Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads. With a charming text and breathtaking pictures, this story deserves its title: a true original by a remarkable talent.

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From the bestselling illustrator Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads comes a witty, magnificently-produced book, playing with the idea of “sorting”. The animal kingdom, modes of transport, musical instruments, art and architectural movements, cloud classification €¦ anything and everything can be sorted into groups! Framed by a charming narrative about a father and son, this is a book about categories; on a journey into town, a boy called Arvo explores the many ways in which we classify the world around us, to charming: and often amusing: effect. One of a Kind marks Neil Packer’s debut as an author-illustrator, following his extraordinary artwork for Peter Frankopan’s The Silk Roads. With a charming text and breathtaking pictures, this story deserves its title: a true original by a remarkable talent.

About Author

Neil Packer's work for children includes his award-winning illustrations for Gillian Cross' retellings of the Odyssey and the Iliad, as well as for the children's edition of Peter Frankopan's international bestseller The Silk Roads (Bloomsbury). This is the first book he has both written and illustrated for Walker.
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