MISSION VICTORY INDIA: A Key to Quality Combat Leadership

Pentagon Press
| Author:
Col Vinay B Dalvi
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Pentagon Press
Col Vinay B Dalvi


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21st century warfare demands the highest level of integrated fire and combat power at the decisive points to overpower and destroy the enemy. Equipping our military with modern arms, weapons, ammunition, communication, and equipment are imperative needs to enhance a soldier`s confidence to face the firepower and capability of the enemy. However, the quality of our military manpower ;the man behind the machine and the quality of his officer leadership will always  be the decisive factors and  cutting edge between Defeat & Victory. Our Aim Mission `Victory India` always and every time!


Over the last 70 years, ever since independence, the Indian Armed Forces have been repeatedly tested by multifarious threats and challenges from our adversaries across the border. The conflicts/wars of 1947/48, 1962, 1965, 1971 & 1999 have been acid tests for our military might, economic strength, united will, resilience and resolve. Have the armed forces and nation learnt any valuable lessons from these wars?

Sadly, we have failed to honestly review, identify and overcome many of our military weaknesses and shortcomings which are now deep rooted problems and unresolved issues. Equipping and arming the armed forces is an imperative need that must be met. However, there is a critical and neglected dimension, that of `quality military manpower` and `military combat leadership`, that needs paramount attention. The 21st century brings to us threats in the form of designer, hybrid, cyber, aerospace and nuclear wars. These are in addition to the conventional wars that are still a reality today. All these, in totality, constitute a multiplicity of threats confronting our collective military might. Enhanced quality `combat military leadership` at all levels would surely help in effectively confronting these challenges.

`Mission Victory India` is Volume 5 of the `Victory India Campaign`(20102018) books.  While retaining its leadership enhancement perspective, the campaign is no more restricted to issues of selection and training of military officers but goes way beyond to cover numerous complex issues of military and national importance; with focus solely on strengthening our armed forces and nation.


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21st century warfare demands the highest level of integrated fire and combat power at the decisive points to overpower and destroy the enemy. Equipping our military with modern arms, weapons, ammunition, communication, and equipment are imperative needs to enhance a soldier`s confidence to face the firepower and capability of the enemy. However, the quality of our military manpower ;the man behind the machine and the quality of his officer leadership will always  be the decisive factors and  cutting edge between Defeat & Victory. Our Aim Mission `Victory India` always and every time!


Over the last 70 years, ever since independence, the Indian Armed Forces have been repeatedly tested by multifarious threats and challenges from our adversaries across the border. The conflicts/wars of 1947/48, 1962, 1965, 1971 & 1999 have been acid tests for our military might, economic strength, united will, resilience and resolve. Have the armed forces and nation learnt any valuable lessons from these wars?

Sadly, we have failed to honestly review, identify and overcome many of our military weaknesses and shortcomings which are now deep rooted problems and unresolved issues. Equipping and arming the armed forces is an imperative need that must be met. However, there is a critical and neglected dimension, that of `quality military manpower` and `military combat leadership`, that needs paramount attention. The 21st century brings to us threats in the form of designer, hybrid, cyber, aerospace and nuclear wars. These are in addition to the conventional wars that are still a reality today. All these, in totality, constitute a multiplicity of threats confronting our collective military might. Enhanced quality `combat military leadership` at all levels would surely help in effectively confronting these challenges.

`Mission Victory India` is Volume 5 of the `Victory India Campaign`(20102018) books.  While retaining its leadership enhancement perspective, the campaign is no more restricted to issues of selection and training of military officers but goes way beyond to cover numerous complex issues of military and national importance; with focus solely on strengthening our armed forces and nation.

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