Mauri: The Woman Who Challenged Krishna

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Saiswaroopa Iyer
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She wants to kill the man whom others call God. However, love unwittingly becomes an obstacle in her sworn path.
With her father’s death shattering her world, Mauri is torn away from everything she had once loved. Anger has replaced every emotion within her, and she seeks only one thing-to kill her father’s killer. Even if the man is none other than Krishna Vaasudeva, the man whom people worship as God.Someone is standing in the way though, reining in her bitterness when she is least prepared for it-the rakshasa prince Ghatotkacha! But by the time love sprouts within her, Mauri has gone too far in her thirst for vengeance and has endangered Kamarupa, the high seat of the Supreme Goddess.Does Ghatotkacha realise the true intentions of his lover?Can Mauri fight her own monsters and defend the temple?Can she save herself and Ghatotkacha before both their worlds are destroyed?Can Mauri fight her own monsters and defend the temple?Can Mauri save herself and Ghatotkacha before both their worlds are destroyed?


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She wants to kill the man whom others call God. However, love unwittingly becomes an obstacle in her sworn path.
With her father’s death shattering her world, Mauri is torn away from everything she had once loved. Anger has replaced every emotion within her, and she seeks only one thing-to kill her father’s killer. Even if the man is none other than Krishna Vaasudeva, the man whom people worship as God.Someone is standing in the way though, reining in her bitterness when she is least prepared for it-the rakshasa prince Ghatotkacha! But by the time love sprouts within her, Mauri has gone too far in her thirst for vengeance and has endangered Kamarupa, the high seat of the Supreme Goddess.Does Ghatotkacha realise the true intentions of his lover?Can Mauri fight her own monsters and defend the temple?Can she save herself and Ghatotkacha before both their worlds are destroyed?Can Mauri fight her own monsters and defend the temple?Can Mauri save herself and Ghatotkacha before both their worlds are destroyed?

About Author

An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and an investment professional turned writer, Saiswaroopa Iyer is the bestselling author of four novels, all based on legendary female protagonists from ancient Hindu literature. She also curated an anthology of short stories based on the Kurukshetra battle of Mahabharata, published by Bloomsbury.


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