It’s Not Common Cent$: A 30-Day Personal Finance Crash Course For College Students And Young Adults. How To Manage Money, Save Money Fast, Pay Off Debt And Invest In The Stock Market

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Aaminah Amin
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Do you want to get out of debt, save money and retire a millionaire, without giving up everything you enjoy? Then this book is for you.

Did you learn about money management and building wealth at school? Nope, neither did I Do you feel overwhelmed by all the ‘money stuff’ you’re supposed to know, but don’t know at all? You’re not alone Adulting is hard. And no matter how old you are, if you don’t know how to handle your money, it can be difficult to feel like an actual adult. Even though you may be enjoying some independence and even be supporting yourself with a job, you may feel totally clueless when people start talking about insurance, taxes, and investments. And it’s not your fault. Personal finance was not taught to us in school. We weren’t taught about budgeting, stocks, or mortgages. We didn’t learn about what we can do with our money so we don’t lose it to inflation. In fact, according to a recent study by the TIAA Institute, only 16% of Americans aged 18-37 are considered financially literate. The good news is you’re still young. It is not too late to set yourself up for long-term financial success. And don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be hard – you shouldn’t be intimidated by terms like compounding and risk diversification. I will break it down for you. I’ve been in your shoes before, and I get it. My goal is to empower you with the financial knowledge that no one teaches at school. Knowledge that I had to learn the hard way.

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Do you want to get out of debt, save money and retire a millionaire, without giving up everything you enjoy? Then this book is for you.

Did you learn about money management and building wealth at school? Nope, neither did I Do you feel overwhelmed by all the ‘money stuff’ you’re supposed to know, but don’t know at all? You’re not alone Adulting is hard. And no matter how old you are, if you don’t know how to handle your money, it can be difficult to feel like an actual adult. Even though you may be enjoying some independence and even be supporting yourself with a job, you may feel totally clueless when people start talking about insurance, taxes, and investments. And it’s not your fault. Personal finance was not taught to us in school. We weren’t taught about budgeting, stocks, or mortgages. We didn’t learn about what we can do with our money so we don’t lose it to inflation. In fact, according to a recent study by the TIAA Institute, only 16% of Americans aged 18-37 are considered financially literate. The good news is you’re still young. It is not too late to set yourself up for long-term financial success. And don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be hard – you shouldn’t be intimidated by terms like compounding and risk diversification. I will break it down for you. I’ve been in your shoes before, and I get it. My goal is to empower you with the financial knowledge that no one teaches at school. Knowledge that I had to learn the hard way.

About Author

Aaminah spent 5 years working as a Financial Consultant for a large corporate firm. In those 5 years she went from broke Graduate to debt-free CEO. At age 25, Aaminah quit her job by choice to become a full-time entrepreneur. She runs 3 businesses, has 5+ income streams and is a FIRE enthusiast on track to retire by age 40 . Aaminah’s goal is to help college students and young adults to achieve financial freedom, by empowering them with the financial knowledge that no one teaches at school. As CEO of 30-Day Money School Ltd, she is devoted to simplifying personal finance for young people and making it fun to learn about. Personal Finance is Personal and there is no one-size-fits-all-approach. If you have questions on the content of the book, feel free to reach out to Aaminah in her Facebook group or Instagram page. She offers free coaching and exclusive support to the members of her Facebook group: 30-Day Money School: How to Budget, Save & Invest for Beginners. Her Instagram Handle is: 30 Day Money School.
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