How to Find a Four-Leaf Clover: What Autism Can Teach Us About Difference, Connection and Belonging

Profile Books Pvt Limited
| Author:
Jodi Rodgers
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Trade Paperback


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Jodi Rodgers, on-screen autism specialist from Netflix’s Love On the Spectrum, draws on three decades of experience as a teacher and counsellor to help neurodivergent and neurotypical people find ways to communicate, connect, and thrive.

Blending the latest research on the neurology of the autistic brain with intimate, heart-warming stories about the incredible humans Jodi has worked with during her career, How to Find A Four-Leaf Clover helps us use this knowledge to better understand not only the behaviour of autistic people, but our own. Highlighting how we are more similar than we are different, and that everyone is deserving of love and connection, this inspiring book will help us become more empathetic and curious about all the relationships in our lives.

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Jodi Rodgers, on-screen autism specialist from Netflix’s Love On the Spectrum, draws on three decades of experience as a teacher and counsellor to help neurodivergent and neurotypical people find ways to communicate, connect, and thrive.

Blending the latest research on the neurology of the autistic brain with intimate, heart-warming stories about the incredible humans Jodi has worked with during her career, How to Find A Four-Leaf Clover helps us use this knowledge to better understand not only the behaviour of autistic people, but our own. Highlighting how we are more similar than we are different, and that everyone is deserving of love and connection, this inspiring book will help us become more empathetic and curious about all the relationships in our lives.

About Author

Jodi Rodgers is an Australian sexologist, counsellor and special education teacher with 30 years of experience working within the education, disability and sexuality fields. Her private practice 'Birds and Bees' helps neurodivergent people create love and connection. She is the on-screen relationship therapist for Netflix's 'Love on the Spectrum', a feel-good dating show for people with autism, broadcast in seven languages.
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