Henry Miller: The Inhuman Artist: A Philosophical Inquiry

Bloomsbury Publishing
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Against skeptics, M¤nniste argues that Miller does indeed have a philosophy of his own, which underpins most of his texts. It is demonstrated that this philosophy, as a metaphysical sense of life, forms a system the understanding of which is necessary to adequately explain even some of the most basic of Miller’s ideas. Building upon his notion of the inhuman artist, Miller’s philosophical foundation is revealed through his literary attacks against the metaphysical design of the modern age. It is argued that, by repudiating some of the most potent elements of late modernity such as history, modern technology and an aesthetisized view of art, Miller paves the way for overcoming Western metaphysics. Finally it is showed that, philosophically, this aim is governed by Miller’s idiosyncratic concept of art, in which one is led towards self-liberation through transcending the modern society and its dehumanizing pursuits.


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Against skeptics, M¤nniste argues that Miller does indeed have a philosophy of his own, which underpins most of his texts. It is demonstrated that this philosophy, as a metaphysical sense of life, forms a system the understanding of which is necessary to adequately explain even some of the most basic of Miller’s ideas. Building upon his notion of the inhuman artist, Miller’s philosophical foundation is revealed through his literary attacks against the metaphysical design of the modern age. It is argued that, by repudiating some of the most potent elements of late modernity such as history, modern technology and an aesthetisized view of art, Miller paves the way for overcoming Western metaphysics. Finally it is showed that, philosophically, this aim is governed by Miller’s idiosyncratic concept of art, in which one is led towards self-liberation through transcending the modern society and its dehumanizing pursuits.

About Author

Indrek M¤nniste is Visiting Fellow in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick, UK. He also currently works as a Marie Curie Research Fellow at University of Tartu, Estonia. His primary research interest is modernist literature and its philosophical implications.


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