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Better Yourself (Set Of 12 Books)

Better Yourself
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Omnibus/Box Set (Paperback)
Better Yourself
Omnibus/Box Set (Paperback)


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The Frinedship Factor – At the heart of each relationship, says McGinnis, is the friendship factor-the essential ingredient of warmth and caring. With captivating case histories and anecdotes about such famous people as George Burns, Howard Hughes, and C. S. Lewis, McGinnis shares the secret of how to love and be loved. The first edition of The Friendship Factor, published in 1979, has sold more than 350,000 copies.

Building Self-Eastern In Children -This much-needed book brings to light a value as important to children as the air they breathe—self-esteem. Today almost every family has a child who may find it difficult to feel confident, make choices, appreciate success or understand failure, build lasting friendships, or express spontaneous joy. BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM IN CHILDREN offers over 60 effective, practical principles to help parents and other concerned adults develop healthy relationships with children and foster the attitude and atmosphere in which self-esteem can flourish. BUILDING SELF -EST EEM IN CHILDREN presents these techniques clearly and simply and offers real-life examples to show how each technique can be used. B UILDIN G SELF-ESTEEM IN CHILDREN is grounded on sound psychology and basic values, and will be used and appreciated by all adults concerned With the emotional and spiritual well- being of children in their care. “Refreshingly simple and down-to-earth. I wish I’d had this book when my children Were young.”

The Power Of Positive Thinking For Young Peple – The purpose of this book is a very direct and simple one: to help young people find themselves and live happy and effective lives.\n\nIt is published in response to the suggestion often heard that nothing could happen to a person of the greater good fortune than to master the positive thinking technique early in life. Why learn it the hard way after years of failure and unhappiness? How I wish I had learned the creative and dynamic law at positive thinking in my teens! It would have saved me heartaches and prevented failures.\n\nI have selected from many incidents in the lives of people whom I have known, anecdotes and experiences are particularly applicable to youthful readers, that they may realize that the same disturbing dilemmas that they face also occur in the lives of Others.\n\nThis book is a practical, direct-action personal-improvement manual. It is written with the sole purpose of helping the reader live happily. satisfying. worthwhile knives. —Norman Vincent Peale

The Wisdom & Power of Positive Living – With The Wisdom & Power of Positive Living Dr John M. Mathews takes you to a new plateau of positivity and creativity. This book aims to expose in depth, the time-tested and long-held principles that animate and sustain the spirit and practice of positive living. The book is divided into three sections: positive thinking, positive attitudes and the sweet fruits of positive thinking and positive attitudes. Illustrative examples and anecdotes gleaned from the lives of creative thinkers, philosophers, sages, artists, mystics and saints, deployed to clarify, substantiate and illumine the varied dimensions of positive living constitute a notable feature of this book. All aspirants to positive and creative living—students, teachers, young professionals, budding business executives—waiting at the threshold of life will find this book a treasure to be cherished greatly! The insights into the varied aspects of positive living, as expounded in this book, is sure to help clarify one’s vision of life, and refine and deepen one’s sense of values.

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace – You Appreciate Your Coworkers, But Do They Feel Appreciated? IN TODAY’S WORKPLACE it is crucial for employees to feel valued. But that is a challenge when you and your employees communicate appreciation differently. Dr Gary Chapman and Dr Paul White help you to elevate employee engagement by making your staff feel truly valued; to decrease turnover and increase loyalty with your employees and supervisors and to reduce cynicism and create a more positive work environment. This book is a must-have resource for any leader who wants to move the bar from being a good leader to a great leader

Things I Wish Id Known Before Got Married – Even though everyone who gets married is hoping for a life of happiness, the divorce rate seems to be on the increase. However, a truly happy, enduring marriage is still possible. Bestselling author and marriage counsellor, Dr Gary Chapman, with more than 40 years of counselling couples, believes that divorce results from the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn to work together as intimate teammates. This practical, eye-opening book is packed with wisdom and tips to develop a loving, supportive, and mutually beneficial marriage. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married. Things I Wish Id Known Before We Got Married is not only a read; it’s an experience. Dating or engaged couples will benefit from the “Talking It Over” sections, extensive resources, a thought-provoking appendix, plus a revealing learning exercise. By understanding and communicating about these topics, couples can experience a healthier, lasting relationship.

Skills and Qualities for Effective life – Life becomes meaningful when we allow our capabilities and talents to blossom. When our full potential is realized, we achieve greatness. If we want to accomplish anything in life and realize our full potential, we must have some skills and qualities, possessing which would enable us to deal with life situations better and successfully navigate the challenges of daily life. There are psychological and interpersonal skills we need to develop and which would help in communicating, making decisions, coping with eventualities and managing a healthy and productive life.
Effective qualities involve special characteristics that shine out when a person faces life situations. Most people do not bother to learn more than the simplest facts of life — how to manage life and live, because, for them, it is not true living that matters, but merely managing to live. And yet, there are others who realize that there is more to living than just managing to live. Indeed, their purpose of living is to find perfection and meaning. Using skills and qualities we can break through to new levels of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
This book can help you lift yourself to the greatness we are called to as creatures of intelligence and skill and, putting all our resources and means to the best use, live a truly fulfilled life.

Mending The Mind – SELF -EMPOWERMENT is a term that we get to hear very frequently nowadays. But what does it mean to be empowered? Is it something that we obtain externally? Is it a specialized training that we obtain in any particular field? The answer to both the questions is an emphatic NO. Empowerment is about realizing our own potentials. Being “Empowered” is about working towards removing the doubts regarding our own potentials and capacities. Empowerment is about the journey of changing our belief from “I can’t” to “I CAN”. Counselling similarly, is not about offering solutions, but about helping a person see the solution. The art of counselling is in understanding this subtle difference between helping a counsellee and empowering a counsellee to help himself/herself. MENDING THE MIND is an attempt to show the means to realize these potentials in a student, a counsellee, a patient or the self. The novelty and uniqueness of this book lies in the perspective in which behaviour is presented. This perspective, besides its simplicity, also allows an integration of Western Psychology with Eastern Philosophy.

Equip Yourself With Life Skills – Here is a volume that provides you with the ways and means through which you can equip yourself with life-skills. Life skills boost your capabilities and help you face life problems with ease and confidence. Life skills such as Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Self-Awareness, Coping with Emotions, Empathy, Effective Communication, and Interpersonal Relations can help you positively face problems that you encounter in your everyday life and fulfill your everyday needs effectively. They are weapons with which you can wage pitched battles against your own limitations and come out victorious. Without them, all of us would be handicapped. You remain what you are not because you lack the tools but miss the skills of using them. If you wish to live life effectively, you are left with no choice but to learn life-skills. Mastering life-skills can place you on the highway to growth and development.

How To Succeed – You are born to succeed! If anyone tells you differently he is ignorant of a universal truth. But make no mistake, success never arrives on a platter. It comes only to those who adhere to universal principles—ageless laws that point the way to a richer and more satisfying life. This knowledge, or the lack of it, is the reason one individual succeeds while another fails. How to Succeed offers dynamic techniques to awaken your dormant talents and presents numerous cosmic laws to assist you in the development of personal powers through the utilization of your mind. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily transform your life: success for failure, health for sickness, happiness for misery. And this is what How to Succeed is all about a practical guide for overcoming limitations and getting from life that which you most desire.

Put More Time on Your Side: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World– Each year it seems that more is expected of all of us in less time and with fewer resources. Competition is stiffer than ever and getting to market faster and with the right product can make the difference between success and survival or failure. Time management is one of the more popular topics in business today, bringing to the fore as it does, the skills to get your everyday work and personal concerns accomplished so that you have more time to contemplate, and work towards your answers to pivotal questions. PUT MORE TIME ON YOUR SIDE: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World helps you become more efficient in every sphere of life, lucidly demonstrating how to deal with distractions and fragmentation; cope with time wasters like over-scheduling, inadequate pacing, poor planning, procrastination, or perfectionism; and master office relationships and politics to save time.

Dare – Dare is an action-packed book full of inspiring and motivational nuggets of wisdom that will guide you in making the best decisions of your life. The author Robert Clements is a renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker with over 2 million daily newspaper readers. His book will share key insights on how to face challenges head-on and accomplish all your goals no matter how big they may seem.


The Frinedship Factor – At the heart of each relationship, says McGinnis, is the friendship factor-the essential ingredient of warmth and caring. With captivating case histories and anecdotes about such famous people as George Burns, Howard Hughes, and C. S. Lewis, McGinnis shares the secret of how to love and be loved. The first edition of The Friendship Factor, published in 1979, has sold more than 350,000 copies.

Building Self-Eastern In Children -This much-needed book brings to light a value as important to children as the air they breathe—self-esteem. Today almost every family has a child who may find it difficult to feel confident, make choices, appreciate success or understand failure, build lasting friendships, or express spontaneous joy. BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM IN CHILDREN offers over 60 effective, practical principles to help parents and other concerned adults develop healthy relationships with children and foster the attitude and atmosphere in which self-esteem can flourish. BUILDING SELF -EST EEM IN CHILDREN presents these techniques clearly and simply and offers real-life examples to show how each technique can be used. B UILDIN G SELF-ESTEEM IN CHILDREN is grounded on sound psychology and basic values, and will be used and appreciated by all adults concerned With the emotional and spiritual well- being of children in their care. “Refreshingly simple and down-to-earth. I wish I’d had this book when my children Were young.”

The Power Of Positive Thinking For Young Peple – The purpose of this book is a very direct and simple one: to help young people find themselves and live happy and effective lives.\n\nIt is published in response to the suggestion often heard that nothing could happen to a person of the greater good fortune than to master the positive thinking technique early in life. Why learn it the hard way after years of failure and unhappiness? How I wish I had learned the creative and dynamic law at positive thinking in my teens! It would have saved me heartaches and prevented failures.\n\nI have selected from many incidents in the lives of people whom I have known, anecdotes and experiences are particularly applicable to youthful readers, that they may realize that the same disturbing dilemmas that they face also occur in the lives of Others.\n\nThis book is a practical, direct-action personal-improvement manual. It is written with the sole purpose of helping the reader live happily. satisfying. worthwhile knives. —Norman Vincent Peale

The Wisdom & Power of Positive Living – With The Wisdom & Power of Positive Living Dr John M. Mathews takes you to a new plateau of positivity and creativity. This book aims to expose in depth, the time-tested and long-held principles that animate and sustain the spirit and practice of positive living. The book is divided into three sections: positive thinking, positive attitudes and the sweet fruits of positive thinking and positive attitudes. Illustrative examples and anecdotes gleaned from the lives of creative thinkers, philosophers, sages, artists, mystics and saints, deployed to clarify, substantiate and illumine the varied dimensions of positive living constitute a notable feature of this book. All aspirants to positive and creative living—students, teachers, young professionals, budding business executives—waiting at the threshold of life will find this book a treasure to be cherished greatly! The insights into the varied aspects of positive living, as expounded in this book, is sure to help clarify one’s vision of life, and refine and deepen one’s sense of values.

The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace – You Appreciate Your Coworkers, But Do They Feel Appreciated? IN TODAY’S WORKPLACE it is crucial for employees to feel valued. But that is a challenge when you and your employees communicate appreciation differently. Dr Gary Chapman and Dr Paul White help you to elevate employee engagement by making your staff feel truly valued; to decrease turnover and increase loyalty with your employees and supervisors and to reduce cynicism and create a more positive work environment. This book is a must-have resource for any leader who wants to move the bar from being a good leader to a great leader

Things I Wish Id Known Before Got Married – Even though everyone who gets married is hoping for a life of happiness, the divorce rate seems to be on the increase. However, a truly happy, enduring marriage is still possible. Bestselling author and marriage counsellor, Dr Gary Chapman, with more than 40 years of counselling couples, believes that divorce results from the lack of preparation for marriage and the failure to learn to work together as intimate teammates. This practical, eye-opening book is packed with wisdom and tips to develop a loving, supportive, and mutually beneficial marriage. It’s the type of information Gary himself wished he had before he got married. Things I Wish Id Known Before We Got Married is not only a read; it’s an experience. Dating or engaged couples will benefit from the “Talking It Over” sections, extensive resources, a thought-provoking appendix, plus a revealing learning exercise. By understanding and communicating about these topics, couples can experience a healthier, lasting relationship.

Skills and Qualities for Effective life – Life becomes meaningful when we allow our capabilities and talents to blossom. When our full potential is realized, we achieve greatness. If we want to accomplish anything in life and realize our full potential, we must have some skills and qualities, possessing which would enable us to deal with life situations better and successfully navigate the challenges of daily life. There are psychological and interpersonal skills we need to develop and which would help in communicating, making decisions, coping with eventualities and managing a healthy and productive life.
Effective qualities involve special characteristics that shine out when a person faces life situations. Most people do not bother to learn more than the simplest facts of life — how to manage life and live, because, for them, it is not true living that matters, but merely managing to live. And yet, there are others who realize that there is more to living than just managing to live. Indeed, their purpose of living is to find perfection and meaning. Using skills and qualities we can break through to new levels of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
This book can help you lift yourself to the greatness we are called to as creatures of intelligence and skill and, putting all our resources and means to the best use, live a truly fulfilled life.

Mending The Mind – SELF -EMPOWERMENT is a term that we get to hear very frequently nowadays. But what does it mean to be empowered? Is it something that we obtain externally? Is it a specialized training that we obtain in any particular field? The answer to both the questions is an emphatic NO. Empowerment is about realizing our own potentials. Being “Empowered” is about working towards removing the doubts regarding our own potentials and capacities. Empowerment is about the journey of changing our belief from “I can’t” to “I CAN”. Counselling similarly, is not about offering solutions, but about helping a person see the solution. The art of counselling is in understanding this subtle difference between helping a counsellee and empowering a counsellee to help himself/herself. MENDING THE MIND is an attempt to show the means to realize these potentials in a student, a counsellee, a patient or the self. The novelty and uniqueness of this book lies in the perspective in which behaviour is presented. This perspective, besides its simplicity, also allows an integration of Western Psychology with Eastern Philosophy.

Equip Yourself With Life Skills – Here is a volume that provides you with the ways and means through which you can equip yourself with life-skills. Life skills boost your capabilities and help you face life problems with ease and confidence. Life skills such as Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Self-Awareness, Coping with Emotions, Empathy, Effective Communication, and Interpersonal Relations can help you positively face problems that you encounter in your everyday life and fulfill your everyday needs effectively. They are weapons with which you can wage pitched battles against your own limitations and come out victorious. Without them, all of us would be handicapped. You remain what you are not because you lack the tools but miss the skills of using them. If you wish to live life effectively, you are left with no choice but to learn life-skills. Mastering life-skills can place you on the highway to growth and development.

How To Succeed – You are born to succeed! If anyone tells you differently he is ignorant of a universal truth. But make no mistake, success never arrives on a platter. It comes only to those who adhere to universal principles—ageless laws that point the way to a richer and more satisfying life. This knowledge, or the lack of it, is the reason one individual succeeds while another fails. How to Succeed offers dynamic techniques to awaken your dormant talents and presents numerous cosmic laws to assist you in the development of personal powers through the utilization of your mind. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily transform your life: success for failure, health for sickness, happiness for misery. And this is what How to Succeed is all about a practical guide for overcoming limitations and getting from life that which you most desire.

Put More Time on Your Side: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World– Each year it seems that more is expected of all of us in less time and with fewer resources. Competition is stiffer than ever and getting to market faster and with the right product can make the difference between success and survival or failure. Time management is one of the more popular topics in business today, bringing to the fore as it does, the skills to get your everyday work and personal concerns accomplished so that you have more time to contemplate, and work towards your answers to pivotal questions. PUT MORE TIME ON YOUR SIDE: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World helps you become more efficient in every sphere of life, lucidly demonstrating how to deal with distractions and fragmentation; cope with time wasters like over-scheduling, inadequate pacing, poor planning, procrastination, or perfectionism; and master office relationships and politics to save time.

Dare – Dare is an action-packed book full of inspiring and motivational nuggets of wisdom that will guide you in making the best decisions of your life. The author Robert Clements is a renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker with over 2 million daily newspaper readers. His book will share key insights on how to face challenges head-on and accomplish all your goals no matter how big they may seem.

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