A Guinea Pig Romeo & Juliet

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
William Shakespeare
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‘These guinea pigs really know how to act’ The Times Born into the litters of two rival families, star-cross’d lovers Romeo and Juliet fall tuft-over-paw for each other before learning that they are sworn enemies. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?’ squeaks Juliet from her balcony, before declarations of undying affection are made and a secret wedding is planned. But the path of true love does not run smooth, and Romeo soon finds himself banished from the city of Verona after playing his part in a fatal brawl with Juliet’s family. In a desperate attempt to scurry away together, they devise a plan fraught with danger that eventually leads to heart-break… Discover Shakespeare’s classic tale of romance and tragedy, retold in an entirely new way.


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‘These guinea pigs really know how to act’ The Times Born into the litters of two rival families, star-cross’d lovers Romeo and Juliet fall tuft-over-paw for each other before learning that they are sworn enemies. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?’ squeaks Juliet from her balcony, before declarations of undying affection are made and a secret wedding is planned. But the path of true love does not run smooth, and Romeo soon finds himself banished from the city of Verona after playing his part in a fatal brawl with Juliet’s family. In a desperate attempt to scurry away together, they devise a plan fraught with danger that eventually leads to heart-break… Discover Shakespeare’s classic tale of romance and tragedy, retold in an entirely new way.

About Author

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 and is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. Also known as the Bard, he wrote more than thirty plays, including Macbeth, Hamlet and A Midsummer Night's Dream, which have been translated into every major living language and performed countless times over the past 45 years. Tess Newall was born in 1987 and when she is not stitching tiny crowns or building miniature balconies she works as a freelance set designer, specialising in fashion, window displays and decorative interiors. She lives in London. Alex Goodwin was born in 1985 and owns five different editions of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (which he has been told is four too many). When he is not trimming soliloquies or pruning secondary characters, he works as an editor. He lives in London.


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