360° Vulnerability Assessment with Nessus & Wireshark 

BPB Publications
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R H Moretti, E E. Matsukawa
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very often it is found that while creating C++ programs programmers are simply doing C programming with a C++ compiler. As a result, they are unable to exploit the real power that C++ lays at their door steps. Also there are not enough challenges/problems available in text books that would test the programmer’ understanding of C++ and OOP concepts. To address these issues Authors have crafted well thought out this book. Their complete solutionToday, the world depends on services that run on the IT environments. These services, essentials for the modern world functioning constantly suffer attacks and invasions. This kind of preoccupation is true and must be a top priority for an IT security professional.
This book will help you explore different techniques to locate, understand, and fix vulnerabilities that may exist in an IT infrastructure environment. The book starts by sharing the findings of professionals who are looking to create a secure IT environment. It then focuses on the building blocks of vulnerability assessment, tools, and frameworks that will help you find and map IT vulnerabilities. Moving on, the book deep dives into Network segregation and separation. It then shows you how to secure and harden your web servers using Apache and Nginx. Lastly, the book explains how to apply important hardening techniques to avoid operating system threats.
By the end of the book, you will learn how to improve the overall security through Vulnerability Management.sample runs and explanation. These challenges would test and improve your knowledge in every aspect of C++ programming.


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very often it is found that while creating C++ programs programmers are simply doing C programming with a C++ compiler. As a result, they are unable to exploit the real power that C++ lays at their door steps. Also there are not enough challenges/problems available in text books that would test the programmer’ understanding of C++ and OOP concepts. To address these issues Authors have crafted well thought out this book. Their complete solutionToday, the world depends on services that run on the IT environments. These services, essentials for the modern world functioning constantly suffer attacks and invasions. This kind of preoccupation is true and must be a top priority for an IT security professional.
This book will help you explore different techniques to locate, understand, and fix vulnerabilities that may exist in an IT infrastructure environment. The book starts by sharing the findings of professionals who are looking to create a secure IT environment. It then focuses on the building blocks of vulnerability assessment, tools, and frameworks that will help you find and map IT vulnerabilities. Moving on, the book deep dives into Network segregation and separation. It then shows you how to secure and harden your web servers using Apache and Nginx. Lastly, the book explains how to apply important hardening techniques to avoid operating system threats.
By the end of the book, you will learn how to improve the overall security through Vulnerability Management.sample runs and explanation. These challenges would test and improve your knowledge in every aspect of C++ programming.

About Author

Raphael Hungaro Moretti is an IT professional and network specialist with wide experience in Telecom, wireless network solutions and high-availability IT environments. With more than 10 years of experience in the IT area, and an aficionado of technology, security and Linux. The author today is responsible to maintain, develop new projects and keep the IT environment of CETESB, a governmental company in Brazil that specialized in environmental matters and reference worldwide in the research of techniques to decrease pollution and human impact in nature. Also, Raphael is an IT professor at the University of Sorocaba (UNISO), MBA Security IT professor at Impacta College and MBA Security IT Professor at Facens College. Writer of the books IT Security Solutions (Senac, 2021. 112 p), Perimeter IT Security Solutions (Senac, 2021. 137 p), Ethical Hacking (Senac, 2020. 112 p) and Security in Mobile Communications (Senac, 2021. 112 p), Raphael holds a Master degree in Computer Science, two specialization degrees, one in IT Security and other in Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity and a bachelor in Computer Network. Emerson E. Matsukawa is an IT manager and security specialist with extensive experience in data centre management, information security, network solutions and critical infrastructure for IT environments. With more than 20 years of experience in the IT area, the author is now responsible for managing the Datacenter at CETESB, a governmental environmental company in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. In addition, Emerson holds two specializations, one in Computational Forensics and the other in Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity and an MBA in Business Management.


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