1984 A NOVEL

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In England that has been shred
to pieces by wars, civil conflict and revolutions, Winston Smith survives in
a one-room apartment in the small province of Airstrip One. In a dictatorial
society where freedom of individuality is suppressed and thoughts are
monitored by the Thought Police, the Party makes all the rules, guided by its
leader Big Brother. Tele screens, cameras and secret microphones in every
home enable the Thought Police in identifying citizens that might compromise
the Party?s command.   Winston works
under the Ministry of Truth as an editor and his job is to revolutionise
history by rewriting records, altering photographs, managing the ?unpersons?
and discarding original documents in a ?memory hole?. Winston soon develops a
keen interest in the real history of the world and starts writing a secret
journal criticising the Party and Big Brother.   He crosses paths with Julia, who shares
his contempt towards the Party, and they begin their apparently secret love
affair by meeting in blue-collar neighbourhoods that do not have tele
screens. Believing that they are escaping the Thought Police?s radar, both
join the Brotherhood, an underground society that intends to rage war against
the Party but they are unaware that Big Brother is always watching. With plot
twists that are breath-taking this book does not shy away from questioning
the modern world which explains why throughout its publication history, the
book has either been banned or challenged as subversive and claimed to be
ideologically corrupting.   About the
Author   George Orwell was an English
author and journalist. George Orwell was born in 1903. His original name was
Eric Arthur Blair. His first novel, Burmese Days, was first published in the
United States. He is considered one of the most influential writers of the
twentieth century.   A Clergyman’s
Daughter, Coming Up for Air, Down and Out in Paris and London, and Animal
Farm are some of his other books.

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In England that has been shred
to pieces by wars, civil conflict and revolutions, Winston Smith survives in
a one-room apartment in the small province of Airstrip One. In a dictatorial
society where freedom of individuality is suppressed and thoughts are
monitored by the Thought Police, the Party makes all the rules, guided by its
leader Big Brother. Tele screens, cameras and secret microphones in every
home enable the Thought Police in identifying citizens that might compromise
the Party?s command.   Winston works
under the Ministry of Truth as an editor and his job is to revolutionise
history by rewriting records, altering photographs, managing the ?unpersons?
and discarding original documents in a ?memory hole?. Winston soon develops a
keen interest in the real history of the world and starts writing a secret
journal criticising the Party and Big Brother.   He crosses paths with Julia, who shares
his contempt towards the Party, and they begin their apparently secret love
affair by meeting in blue-collar neighbourhoods that do not have tele
screens. Believing that they are escaping the Thought Police?s radar, both
join the Brotherhood, an underground society that intends to rage war against
the Party but they are unaware that Big Brother is always watching. With plot
twists that are breath-taking this book does not shy away from questioning
the modern world which explains why throughout its publication history, the
book has either been banned or challenged as subversive and claimed to be
ideologically corrupting.   About the
Author   George Orwell was an English
author and journalist. George Orwell was born in 1903. His original name was
Eric Arthur Blair. His first novel, Burmese Days, was first published in the
United States. He is considered one of the most influential writers of the
twentieth century.   A Clergyman’s
Daughter, Coming Up for Air, Down and Out in Paris and London, and Animal
Farm are some of his other books.

About Author

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