Yes You Can: Ace School Without Losing Your Mind

Macmillan Childrens Books
| Author:
Natasha Devon, Ruby Elliott
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Macmillan Childrens Books
Natasha Devon, Ruby Elliott


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Ace school without losing your mind with this one-stop, inspiring and empowering guide. Secondary school can seem overwhelming: but it doesn’t have to be. In Yes You Can: Ace School Without Losing Your Mind, mental health campaigner and education expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you how to navigate school and stay calm in the face of exams. * Learn how your brain works: understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties * Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own schedule * It’s not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques * Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniques Revolutionize the way YOU do school.


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Ace school without losing your mind with this one-stop, inspiring and empowering guide. Secondary school can seem overwhelming: but it doesn’t have to be. In Yes You Can: Ace School Without Losing Your Mind, mental health campaigner and education expert Natasha Devon uses her expertise to show you how to navigate school and stay calm in the face of exams. * Learn how your brain works: understand the point of stress and sort and tackle your anxieties * Take a quiz to find out what kind of learner you are and tailor make your own schedule * It’s not all about work. Plan your study breaks with tips on baking, doodling, dancing and relaxation techniques * Deal with exam days with the help of mindfulness, power poses, recall and planning techniques Revolutionize the way YOU do school.

About Author

Natasha Devon MBE is a writer, presenter & activist. She tours schools, colleges and universities throughout the world, delivering talks as well as conducting research on mental health, body image, gender & equality. She campaigns both on and offline to make the world a fairer place. Natasha writes regularly for the Guardian and Grazia Magazine, is a former columnist for Cosmopolitan Magazine and the Times Educational Supplement. You might know her from channel 4's 'Naked Beach', BBC 3's 'How to Live with Women' or BBC IWonder's 'Why do I Earn Less Than a Man?'. She also appears as an expert on Good Morning Britain, BBC Breakfast, Channel 4 News and LBC. Natasha regularly speaks at Parliament and gives evidence to the Education and Health Select Committees, representing the interests of teenagers and teachers. In 215 she was awarded an MBE for her services to young people and in 216 the Sunday Times and Debretts named her one of the 5 most influential people in Britain. Natasha is a patron for the charity No Panic, which provides advice and support for people struggling with anxiety. She is a Trustee for Student Minds and a member of the Men & Boys Coalition (specifically advising on reducing rates of suicide in men). She is a fellow of University of Wales: Aberystwyth and advises them, as well as Coventry University: London, on campus wellbeing.


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