Women Prisoners in Custody

Kaveri Books
| Author:
Jayasree, L
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| Format:
Kaveri Books
Jayasree, L


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Situation and rights of women prisoners as a subject have long been neglected by criminologists and sociologists. The lack of concern for women prisoners can also be noticed in various legislations relating to women in custody. Custodial Justice has become important because of the changing economic and social scenario enhanced women’s involvement in crimes and increased rapidly. The custodial offences against women prisoners have also increased making it necessary to undertake a critical study of the existing legal provisions, their systematic violation and the ways and means, legally and practically, to plug the loopholes in the treatment of women prisoners at various stages of accusation conviction and confinement. This book attempts to study the rights of women under various situations, starting from the time of arrest, police judicial, mental and social welfare as well as prison custody and the rights presently available to women.

The recommendations made by the judiciary and various commissions to the benefit of women in custody are studied and analyzed along with suitable suggestions. This book will be helpful toresearchers, social workers and students of legal studies and also those studying the gender based issues, as well as the administrators and policy makers of prisons.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Rights of Prisoners under International Law and the Indian Constitution
Chapter 3: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Police and Judicial Custody
Chapter 4: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Non-penal Custody
Chapter 5: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Non-penal Custody
Chapter 6: Judicial Contribution to Custodial Justice
Chapter 7: Conditions of Women Prisoners in Different Custodies in the state of Andhra Pradesh
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Suggestions


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Situation and rights of women prisoners as a subject have long been neglected by criminologists and sociologists. The lack of concern for women prisoners can also be noticed in various legislations relating to women in custody. Custodial Justice has become important because of the changing economic and social scenario enhanced women’s involvement in crimes and increased rapidly. The custodial offences against women prisoners have also increased making it necessary to undertake a critical study of the existing legal provisions, their systematic violation and the ways and means, legally and practically, to plug the loopholes in the treatment of women prisoners at various stages of accusation conviction and confinement. This book attempts to study the rights of women under various situations, starting from the time of arrest, police judicial, mental and social welfare as well as prison custody and the rights presently available to women.

The recommendations made by the judiciary and various commissions to the benefit of women in custody are studied and analyzed along with suitable suggestions. This book will be helpful toresearchers, social workers and students of legal studies and also those studying the gender based issues, as well as the administrators and policy makers of prisons.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Rights of Prisoners under International Law and the Indian Constitution
Chapter 3: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Police and Judicial Custody
Chapter 4: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Non-penal Custody
Chapter 5: Statutory Provisions Relating to Women Prisoners in Non-penal Custody
Chapter 6: Judicial Contribution to Custodial Justice
Chapter 7: Conditions of Women Prisoners in Different Custodies in the state of Andhra Pradesh
Chapter 8: Conclusions and Suggestions

About Author


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