What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine Maybe Killing You (Gujarati)

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Ray D Strand
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Ray D Strand


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What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You is a book that explains to its readers how antioxidants can help them lead a healthier and disease-free life, when compared to drugs that are recommended widely by doctors.

Dr. Ray Strand, a general practitioner, was trying to find ways to help his wife, who suffered from chronic fatigue and pain. When nothing seemed to help, someone in his circle suggested a nutritional therapy. He tried it, and to his surprise, it worked.

Inspired by this surprising event, he decided to study alternate healing methods, particularly nutritional therapy. In the book, he explains to his readers what oxidative stress is, and how it can bring about many health-related problems. The book provides insights into how the body can activate its own healing powers, with the help of the right nutrients that it needs, like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, and other vital nutrients.

What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You has chapters that cover different ailments and their causes, and how to combat them with the right diet and supplements. Chapters in the book include Cellular Nutrition, Oxidative Stress and Your Eyes, Homocysteine: New Kid on the Block, and other topics that deal with diseases and their causes.

People who suffer from diseases like diabetes, heart problems, auto-immune diseases, cancer, and other disorders might find the information in this book enlightening and extremely helpful.

Dr.Strand’s basic message is pretty simple, as he states that helping one’s body take care of itself without burdening it with numerous drugs is the right path to good health.


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What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You is a book that explains to its readers how antioxidants can help them lead a healthier and disease-free life, when compared to drugs that are recommended widely by doctors.

Dr. Ray Strand, a general practitioner, was trying to find ways to help his wife, who suffered from chronic fatigue and pain. When nothing seemed to help, someone in his circle suggested a nutritional therapy. He tried it, and to his surprise, it worked.

Inspired by this surprising event, he decided to study alternate healing methods, particularly nutritional therapy. In the book, he explains to his readers what oxidative stress is, and how it can bring about many health-related problems. The book provides insights into how the body can activate its own healing powers, with the help of the right nutrients that it needs, like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, and other vital nutrients.

What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You has chapters that cover different ailments and their causes, and how to combat them with the right diet and supplements. Chapters in the book include Cellular Nutrition, Oxidative Stress and Your Eyes, Homocysteine: New Kid on the Block, and other topics that deal with diseases and their causes.

People who suffer from diseases like diabetes, heart problems, auto-immune diseases, cancer, and other disorders might find the information in this book enlightening and extremely helpful.

Dr.Strand’s basic message is pretty simple, as he states that helping one’s body take care of itself without burdening it with numerous drugs is the right path to good health.

About Author

Ray Strand is a medical practitioner who practised conventional medicine, dispensing prescription drugs to his patients like all doctors, till he discovered the value of nutritional therapy when his wife was cured of fibromyalgia by a nutritional regimen. He is now a specialist in Nutritional Medicine and has written many books on the subject. His other books include Death By Prescription - The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation, Living By Design, Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue, and Preventing Diabetes (Health Concept). Strand underwent training at the University of Colorado Medical School, and started a private family practice on preventive medicine. Only 12 years into his career was he introduced to the benefits of nutritional medicine. He is an important figurehead in the field, and has given lectures in many countries like Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.


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