The Universal One

Parker Publishing
| Author:
Walter Russell
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Parker Publishing
Walter Russell


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The Universal One” is a book written by Walter Russell that explains his new Cosmology. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Russell science and philosophy. The book reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements and unites spiritual cause and scientifically observable effect in a seamless whole. Russell later revised some of the content of the book in “The Secret of Light” and “A New Concept of the Universe”. The book is a century or more ahead of its time and is now appealing to many people who are examining the nature of science and consciousness. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but one unchanging cause. All things are universal, and nothing is of itself alone. When man knows this in measurable exactness, then he will have no limitations within those which are universal.

The Universal One is Walter Russell’s first expression of his new Cosmology explaining the Mind-centered electric universe. Though he would revise his theory somewhat over the years, this is the first and basic description of his new Cosmology. Lavishing illustrated, it sets out his views on God, the Universe, matter and Man’s place in the world as he searches for a path to god. In this historic volume, Walter Russell first reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements. This illustrated treatise is Russell’s scientific explanation of God’s ways and processes in the construction of the Universe and provides a guide for illuminating Man’s proper way of living during the long journey to the Light of God.


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The Universal One” is a book written by Walter Russell that explains his new Cosmology. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Russell science and philosophy. The book reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements and unites spiritual cause and scientifically observable effect in a seamless whole. Russell later revised some of the content of the book in “The Secret of Light” and “A New Concept of the Universe”. The book is a century or more ahead of its time and is now appealing to many people who are examining the nature of science and consciousness. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but one unchanging cause. All things are universal, and nothing is of itself alone. When man knows this in measurable exactness, then he will have no limitations within those which are universal.

The Universal One is Walter Russell’s first expression of his new Cosmology explaining the Mind-centered electric universe. Though he would revise his theory somewhat over the years, this is the first and basic description of his new Cosmology. Lavishing illustrated, it sets out his views on God, the Universe, matter and Man’s place in the world as he searches for a path to god. In this historic volume, Walter Russell first reveals the possibility of transmutation of the elements. This illustrated treatise is Russell’s scientific explanation of God’s ways and processes in the construction of the Universe and provides a guide for illuminating Man’s proper way of living during the long journey to the Light of God.

About Author

Walter Russell was a brilliant author, scientist, business consultant, sculptor, illustrator, portrait painter, figure skater, architectural designer and philosopher who believed that every man has consummate genius within him. He and his wife opened the University of Science and Philosophy to further his science research and philosophical work. This book was distributed to scientists internationally by the author after its writing in 1926, and is now a collector's item.


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