The Pigeon

Head of Zeus -- an Aries Book
| Author:
David Gordon
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Head of Zeus -- an Aries Book
David Gordon


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Harvard dropout and ex-Special Forces operative Joe Brody is climbing the ranks in the criminal underworld. After successfully executing multiple missions for the various crime syndicates that run New York City, he has come to earn the trust and respect of the city’s most dangerous denizens. Which is why his newest task ― retrieving a pet pigeon snatched from a rooftop coop in Brooklyn ― has Joe puzzled … until he learns that the bird is valued at close to a million dollars. Joe hatches a plan to sneak into the luxury apartment building where the pigeon is held captive. But the plan takes a deadly turn when he stumbles upon a nest of international war criminals. Fearing that Joe’s entry into the building has somehow compromised their nefarious scheme, they put a bounty on his head. In New York, Joe is untouchable, but his new foes come from outside the flock, and he’ll need a wing and a prayer to elude their assassins.


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Harvard dropout and ex-Special Forces operative Joe Brody is climbing the ranks in the criminal underworld. After successfully executing multiple missions for the various crime syndicates that run New York City, he has come to earn the trust and respect of the city’s most dangerous denizens. Which is why his newest task ― retrieving a pet pigeon snatched from a rooftop coop in Brooklyn ― has Joe puzzled … until he learns that the bird is valued at close to a million dollars. Joe hatches a plan to sneak into the luxury apartment building where the pigeon is held captive. But the plan takes a deadly turn when he stumbles upon a nest of international war criminals. Fearing that Joe’s entry into the building has somehow compromised their nefarious scheme, they put a bounty on his head. In New York, Joe is untouchable, but his new foes come from outside the flock, and he’ll need a wing and a prayer to elude their assassins.

About Author

David Gordon was born in New York City. He attended Sarah Lawrence College and holds an MA in English and Comparative Literature and an MFA in Writing, both from Columbia University, and has worked in film, fashion, publishing and pornography. His first novel, "The Serialist," won the VCU/Cabell First Novel Award and was a finalist for an Edgar Award. It was also made into a major motion picture in Japan. His second novel, "Mystery Girl" was released in July 2013 and his short story collection, "White Tiger on Snow Mountain" is forthcoming in Fall 2014 . His work has also appeared in The Paris Review, The New York Times, Purple, and Fence, among other publications.


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