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The New World On Mars

| Author:
Robert Zubrin
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Robert Zubrin


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A fascinating and enticing vision of the utopian New World that Robert Zubrin believes could and should be created on the Red Planet’ Martin Rees

The world’s leading expert on the human settlement of Mars explains what Martian societies will look like – sooner than we think

Within a few years, humans will be able to voyage to Mars. SpaceX is at the forefront of companies already building fleets of spaceships to make interplanetary travel as affordable as Old-World passage to America – to the then New World. We will settle the red planet, transforming its raw materials into resources and tackling the challenges that await us, creating a new frontier for humankind.

Dr Robert Zubrin explains how populous Martian city-states will emerge, producing their own air, water, food, power and more. How they must be beautiful to attract settlers, and what that might look like. How the primary exports are unlikely to be material goods but intellectual products, created by a technically adept population in a frontier environment where people will be forced to innovate – including GMOs, robotics, AI and power production. Zubrin even predicts the red planet’s customs, social relations and government – of the people, by the people, for the people, with inalienable individual rights – that will overcome traditional forms of oppression to draw talented Earth immigrants.

In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote ‘We have it in our power to begin the world over again’. Zubrin inspires us to embrace another magnificent future today. With the right pieces in place, his red planet will become a pressure cooker for invention, benefiting humans on Earth, Mars and beyond. The New World on Mars proves that there is no point killing each other over provinces on Earth when, together, we can create planets.


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A fascinating and enticing vision of the utopian New World that Robert Zubrin believes could and should be created on the Red Planet’ Martin Rees

The world’s leading expert on the human settlement of Mars explains what Martian societies will look like – sooner than we think

Within a few years, humans will be able to voyage to Mars. SpaceX is at the forefront of companies already building fleets of spaceships to make interplanetary travel as affordable as Old-World passage to America – to the then New World. We will settle the red planet, transforming its raw materials into resources and tackling the challenges that await us, creating a new frontier for humankind.

Dr Robert Zubrin explains how populous Martian city-states will emerge, producing their own air, water, food, power and more. How they must be beautiful to attract settlers, and what that might look like. How the primary exports are unlikely to be material goods but intellectual products, created by a technically adept population in a frontier environment where people will be forced to innovate – including GMOs, robotics, AI and power production. Zubrin even predicts the red planet’s customs, social relations and government – of the people, by the people, for the people, with inalienable individual rights – that will overcome traditional forms of oppression to draw talented Earth immigrants.

In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote ‘We have it in our power to begin the world over again’. Zubrin inspires us to embrace another magnificent future today. With the right pieces in place, his red planet will become a pressure cooker for invention, benefiting humans on Earth, Mars and beyond. The New World on Mars proves that there is no point killing each other over provinces on Earth when, together, we can create planets.

About Author

Dr. Robert Zubrin has devoted more thought than any other person alive to the goal of reaching Mars and making it a new home for humankind. A former Senior Engineer at Lockheed Martin, in 1996 he founded Pioneer Astronautics, an aerospace R&D company which he led for 27 years until selling it in 2023. Founder and president of the Mars Society, in 2000 and 2001 he led the construction of Mars analog research stations in the Canadian Arctic and American deserts, and has overseen over 300 simulated Mars exploration missions conducted there since. Zubrin created the original Mars Direct plan, to reach the red planet using existing technologies and Martian resources. He is also the author of twenty patents and twelve books, including The Case for Mars, now in its 25th Anniversary Edition.


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