The Hidden Peace: Finding True Security, Strength, and Confidence Through Humility

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Joel Muddamalle
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Joel Muddamalle


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The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.

There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we’re comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren’t superheroes and invincibility isn’t an option.

But humility is.

Whether we’ve incorrectly defined it or underestimated its relevance to our daily life, humility is the missing piece for the security, strength and confidence we all want. It’s time to stop trying so hard to avoid our limitations or overcompensate for them. God has better for us and it begins with bowing low in humility.

With relatable stories, practical wisdom and biblical theology broken down into digestible takeaways, The Hidden Peace by Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

• Overcome the fear of being “found out” or looking like a fraud by realizing God’s intent for shortcomings and weaknesses.
• Walk through hurtful situations in the most God-honoring way by gaining a true understanding of biblical humility.
• Answer the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” by learning a perspective shift that will change how you process suffering.
• Know confidently that you’re living with purpose and being used by God through seven ways to practically live like Him today.
• Be led by the biblical definition of self-awareness so you can experience the unexpected ways it brings safety and security to your life.
• Stop believing the lie that theology is out of touch or too difficult to comprehend as Joel shows you how to dig into scripture and study it yourself.

Weakness is not your enemy. Planted in the soil of humility, weakness becomes a means to gaining more strength and more peace.


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The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.

There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we’re comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren’t superheroes and invincibility isn’t an option.

But humility is.

Whether we’ve incorrectly defined it or underestimated its relevance to our daily life, humility is the missing piece for the security, strength and confidence we all want. It’s time to stop trying so hard to avoid our limitations or overcompensate for them. God has better for us and it begins with bowing low in humility.

With relatable stories, practical wisdom and biblical theology broken down into digestible takeaways, The Hidden Peace by Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

• Overcome the fear of being “found out” or looking like a fraud by realizing God’s intent for shortcomings and weaknesses.
• Walk through hurtful situations in the most God-honoring way by gaining a true understanding of biblical humility.
• Answer the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” by learning a perspective shift that will change how you process suffering.
• Know confidently that you’re living with purpose and being used by God through seven ways to practically live like Him today.
• Be led by the biblical definition of self-awareness so you can experience the unexpected ways it brings safety and security to your life.
• Stop believing the lie that theology is out of touch or too difficult to comprehend as Joel shows you how to dig into scripture and study it yourself.

Weakness is not your enemy. Planted in the soil of humility, weakness becomes a means to gaining more strength and more peace.

About Author

Holding a PhD in Theology, Joel Muddamalle is the Director of Theology and Research at Proverbs 31 Ministries with Lysa TerKeurst and the theologian in residence for Haven Place Ministries, a ministry of Lysa’s that provides personalized theology and therapy retreats and smaller gathering. He also cohosts the popular podcast Therapy and Theology with Lysa and licensed counselor Jim Cress. Joel serves on the preaching team at Transformation Church with Pastor Derwin Gray and is a frequent speaker for conferences and events (She Speaks, IF Gathering, Q Ideas NXT Gen Summit, Hope Heals Camp). One of his favorite things to do is leading in-depth theology workshops and training seminars for churches (FreshLife, Passion City, Transformation Church). Joel coauthored 30 Days of Seeing Jesus Throughout the Bible and has had the honor of working with Christian authors in developing the theological framework of their books through COMPEL consulting. Based in Charlotte, NC, Joel and his wife enjoy a full house with their four children and two dogs. If he doesn’t have a theology book in his hand, you can be sure he’s either coaching one of his kids in a sport, doing his best to keep up his hoops game on the basketball court, or getting roped into a reel by his wife


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