The Customs of Mankind

Gyan Publishing House
| Author:
Lillian Eichler
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Gyan Publishing House
Lillian Eichler


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About The Book: The primitive man lived according to his instincts, and interacted with Nature to ensure his own survival and the survival of his species. His first step towards what is called civilization gave mankind its first custom. As the steps quickened, the customs proliferated. How they originated, developed and matured through the various social contexts is the theme of this outstanding work. The CUSTOMS OF MANKIND is a complete book of origins. It tells in remarkable prose the fascinating story of our manners, customs, traditions, superstitions and folklore. Included in the picturesque descriptions are such highly developed custom as marriage, giftmaking, letterwriting, entertainment, table manners, games, dress, funeral, and soon. Helped with eyecatching illustrations and drawings, they reveal all the facets of the gift of customs which mankind acquired through a series of trial s and errors to run the wellordered, pleasant society of today. A study of the great wealth of customs of the world is worthwhile for the students of history, anthropology, sociology, civilization and humanities in general. The lay reader will find absorbing and thrilling like a fast –moving novel. In all, a scholarly work on a fascinating subject which invites attention and sustains it after many readings.


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About The Book: The primitive man lived according to his instincts, and interacted with Nature to ensure his own survival and the survival of his species. His first step towards what is called civilization gave mankind its first custom. As the steps quickened, the customs proliferated. How they originated, developed and matured through the various social contexts is the theme of this outstanding work. The CUSTOMS OF MANKIND is a complete book of origins. It tells in remarkable prose the fascinating story of our manners, customs, traditions, superstitions and folklore. Included in the picturesque descriptions are such highly developed custom as marriage, giftmaking, letterwriting, entertainment, table manners, games, dress, funeral, and soon. Helped with eyecatching illustrations and drawings, they reveal all the facets of the gift of customs which mankind acquired through a series of trial s and errors to run the wellordered, pleasant society of today. A study of the great wealth of customs of the world is worthwhile for the students of history, anthropology, sociology, civilization and humanities in general. The lay reader will find absorbing and thrilling like a fast –moving novel. In all, a scholarly work on a fascinating subject which invites attention and sustains it after many readings.

About Author

About The Book: The primitive man lived according to his instincts, and interacted with Nature to ensure his own survival and the survival of his species. His first step towards what is called civilization gave mankind its first custom. As the steps quickened, the customs proliferated. How they originated, developed and matured through the various social contexts is the theme of this outstanding work. The CUSTOMS OF MANKIND is a complete book of origins. It tells in remarkable prose the fascinating story of our manners, customs, traditions, superstitions and folklore. Included in the picturesque descriptions are such highly developed custom as marriage, giftmaking, letterwriting, entertainment, table manners, games, dress, funeral, and soon. Helped with eyecatching illustrations and drawings, they reveal all the facets of the gift of customs which mankind acquired through a series of trial s and errors to run the wellordered, pleasant society of today. A study of the great wealth of customs of the world is worthwhile for the students of history, anthropology, sociology, civilization and humanities in general. The lay reader will find absorbing and thrilling like a fast –moving novel. In all, a scholarly work on a fascinating subject which invites attention and sustains it after many readings.


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