Ryan Holiday (Set of 9 Books): Growth Hacker Marketing (Paperback) | The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Trials into Triumph (Hardback) | Ego is the Enemy (Hardback) | The Daily Stoic (Paperback) | Stillness is the Key (Hardback) | Courage Is Calling (Hardback) | Discipline Is Destiny (Paperback) | Right Thing, Right Now: Goodness to Greatness (Hardback) | The Daily Dad (B PB): 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids (Paperback)

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1. Growth Hacker Marketing :-

Your new business went online yesterday and you’ve got a marketing budget of zero. How are you supposed to create a movement around your product? How can you get to your first thousand – or million – customers? Starting from zero, it feels impossible.

Enter the growth hacker. You may not have heard of growth hacking yet, but you’ve certainly used the billion dollar brands built by it: Hotmail, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, amongst many others.

Growth hackers thrive on doing what traditional businessmen would consider impossible: creating something from nothing. They ‘hack’ their company’s growth to create a narrative of sensational success, turning excited media, users and social media into a viral marketing force that will help their business grow exponentially.

2. The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Trials into Triumph :-

We give up too easily. With a simple change of attitude, what seem like insurmountable obstacles become once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Ryan Holiday, who dropped out of college at nineteen to serve as an apprentice to bestselling ‘modern Machiavelli’ Robert Greene and is now a media consultant for billion-dollar brands, draws on the philosophy of the Stoics to guide you in every situation, showing that what blocks our path actually opens one that is new and better.

If the competition threatens you, it’s time to be fearless, to display your courage. An impossible deadline becomes a chance to show how dedicated you are. And as Ryan discovered as Director of Marketing for American Apparel, if your brand is generating controversy – it’s also potentially generating publicity.

The Stoic philosophy – that what is in the way, is the way – can be applied to any problem: it’s a formula invented more than 2,000 years ago, whose effectiveness has been proven in battles and board rooms ever since. From Barack Obama’s ability to overcome obstacles in his election races, to the design of the iPhone, the stoic philosophy has helped its users become world-beaters.

3. Ego is the Enemy :-

It’s wrecked the careers of promising young geniuses. It’s evaporated great fortunes and run companies into the ground. It’s made adversity unbearable and turned struggle into shame. Every great philosopher has warned against it, in our most lasting stories and countless works of art, in all culture and all ages. Its name? Ego, and it is the enemy – of ambition, of success and of resilience.

In Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday shows us how and why ego is such a powerful internal opponent to be guarded against at all stages of our careers and lives, and that we can only create our best work when we identify, acknowledge and disarm its dangers. Drawing on an array of inspiring characters and narratives from literature, philosophy and history, the book explores the nature and dangers of ego to illustrate how you can be humble in your aspirations, gracious in your success and resilient in your failures.

The result is an inspiring and timely reminder that humility and confidence are our greatest friends when confronting the challenges of a culture that tends to fan the flames of ego, a book full of themes and life lessons that will resonate, uplift and inspire.

4. The Daily Stoic :-

Daily doses of practical, uplifting philosophy from the bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way

Where can you find joy? What’s the true measure of success? How should we manage anger? Find meaning? Conquer grief? The answers to these questions and more lie at the heart of Stoic philosophy.

The Daily Stoic is a wise, calming, page-a-day guide to living a good life, offering inspirational daily doses of classic wisdom. Each page features a powerful quotation from the likes of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, or philosopher Epictetus, as well as historical anecdotes and thought-provoking commentary to help you tackle any problem, approach any goal and find the serenity, self-knowledge and resilience you need to live well.

5. Stillness is the Key :-

Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller and Wall Street Journal Bestseller

Throughout history, there’s been one indelible quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focused and calm in a constantly busy world.

This quality, valued by every major school of thought from Buddha to Seneca, John Stuart Mill to Nietzsche, is urgently necessary today. And, Holiday shows, it is entirely attainable. Just as Winston Churchill used bricklaying as a time to recharge and reflect, or Oprah Winfrey learned deep empathy from her quiet childhood, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions – whether winning a battle, building a business, or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction.

Filled with wisdom and examples from historical and contemporary figures, this book shows how to cultivate this quality in your own life. Because stillness is not merely inactivity, but the doorway to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.

6. Courage Is Calling :-

An inspiring anthem to the power, promise, and challenges of courage, the first in a series examining the timeless Stoic virtues from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ryan Holiday

Fortune favours the bold. All great leaders of history have known this, and were successful because of the risks they dared to take. But today so many of us are paralysed by fear.

Drawing on ancient Stoic wisdom and examples across history and around the world, Ryan Holiday shows why courage is so important, and how to cultivate it in our own lives. Courage is not simply physical bravery but also doing the right thing and standing up for what you believe; it’s creativity, generosity and perseverance. And it is the only way to live an extraordinary, fulfilled and effective life.

Everything in life begins with courage. This book will equip you with the bravery to begin.

7. Discipline Is Destiny :-


The inscription on the Oracle of Delphi says: ‘Nothing in excess.’ C.S. Lewis described temperance as going to the ‘right length but no further.’ Easy to say, hard to practice – and if it was tough in 300 BC, or in the 1940s, it feels all but impossible today. Yet it’s the most empowering and important virtue any of us can learn.

Without self-discipline, all our plans fall apart. Here, Ryan Holiday shows how to cultivate willpower, moderation and self-control in our lives. From Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius, to Toni Morrison and Queen Elizabeth II, he illuminates the great exemplars of its practice and what we can learn from them. Moderation is not about abstinence: it is about self-respect, focus and balance. Without it, even the most positive traits become vices. But with it, happiness and success are assured: the key is not more but finding the right amount.

8. Right Thing, Right Now: Goodness to Greatness :-

If we do what is right, everything else will follow: happiness, success, meaning, reputation, love. This is central to Stoic wisdom. The path isn’t always easy, but it is essential, and the alternative – taking the easy route – leads only to cowardice and folly.

In the third book in his bestselling Stoic Virtues series, Ryan Holiday explores the crucial role that integrity plays in every good life. From pillars of upright living like Ulysses S. Grant and Marcus Aurelius, to the cautionary tales of Napoleon and F. Scott Fitzgerald, this book shows us the power of owning our convictions and acting in accordance with our beliefs – and the perils of an ill-formed conscience.

Our conscience, our sense of justice, is our first and our last strength: we can train it, hone it and fortify it, but above all, we must never lose it. This book shows us how.

9. The Daily Dad (B PB): 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids :-

What does it mean to be a great father? Parenting is a role filled with meaning and purpose, but every dad needs guidance: because fatherhood is not a one-off, it is something you do every day.

From Socrates to Martin Luther King Jr., ancient philosophy to contemporary psychology, The Daily Dad collates wisdom from around the world to help every dad face the day-to-day challenges in the lifelong job of parenting. Each daily meditation offers a memorable lesson on being the role model and carer your child needs, rooted in timeless principles. Parents new and experienced alike will find inspiration and advice to last a lifetime.


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Be the first to review “Ryan Holiday (Set of 9 Books): Growth Hacker Marketing (Paperback) | The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Trials into Triumph (Hardback) | Ego is the Enemy (Hardback) | The Daily Stoic (Paperback) | Stillness is the Key (Hardback) | Courage Is Calling (Hardback) | Discipline Is Destiny (Paperback) | Right Thing, Right Now: Goodness to Greatness (Hardback) | The Daily Dad (B PB): 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids (Paperback)”

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1. Growth Hacker Marketing :-

Your new business went online yesterday and you’ve got a marketing budget of zero. How are you supposed to create a movement around your product? How can you get to your first thousand – or million – customers? Starting from zero, it feels impossible.

Enter the growth hacker. You may not have heard of growth hacking yet, but you’ve certainly used the billion dollar brands built by it: Hotmail, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, amongst many others.

Growth hackers thrive on doing what traditional businessmen would consider impossible: creating something from nothing. They ‘hack’ their company’s growth to create a narrative of sensational success, turning excited media, users and social media into a viral marketing force that will help their business grow exponentially.

2. The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Trials into Triumph :-

We give up too easily. With a simple change of attitude, what seem like insurmountable obstacles become once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Ryan Holiday, who dropped out of college at nineteen to serve as an apprentice to bestselling ‘modern Machiavelli’ Robert Greene and is now a media consultant for billion-dollar brands, draws on the philosophy of the Stoics to guide you in every situation, showing that what blocks our path actually opens one that is new and better.

If the competition threatens you, it’s time to be fearless, to display your courage. An impossible deadline becomes a chance to show how dedicated you are. And as Ryan discovered as Director of Marketing for American Apparel, if your brand is generating controversy – it’s also potentially generating publicity.

The Stoic philosophy – that what is in the way, is the way – can be applied to any problem: it’s a formula invented more than 2,000 years ago, whose effectiveness has been proven in battles and board rooms ever since. From Barack Obama’s ability to overcome obstacles in his election races, to the design of the iPhone, the stoic philosophy has helped its users become world-beaters.

3. Ego is the Enemy :-

It’s wrecked the careers of promising young geniuses. It’s evaporated great fortunes and run companies into the ground. It’s made adversity unbearable and turned struggle into shame. Every great philosopher has warned against it, in our most lasting stories and countless works of art, in all culture and all ages. Its name? Ego, and it is the enemy – of ambition, of success and of resilience.

In Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday shows us how and why ego is such a powerful internal opponent to be guarded against at all stages of our careers and lives, and that we can only create our best work when we identify, acknowledge and disarm its dangers. Drawing on an array of inspiring characters and narratives from literature, philosophy and history, the book explores the nature and dangers of ego to illustrate how you can be humble in your aspirations, gracious in your success and resilient in your failures.

The result is an inspiring and timely reminder that humility and confidence are our greatest friends when confronting the challenges of a culture that tends to fan the flames of ego, a book full of themes and life lessons that will resonate, uplift and inspire.

4. The Daily Stoic :-

Daily doses of practical, uplifting philosophy from the bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way

Where can you find joy? What’s the true measure of success? How should we manage anger? Find meaning? Conquer grief? The answers to these questions and more lie at the heart of Stoic philosophy.

The Daily Stoic is a wise, calming, page-a-day guide to living a good life, offering inspirational daily doses of classic wisdom. Each page features a powerful quotation from the likes of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, or philosopher Epictetus, as well as historical anecdotes and thought-provoking commentary to help you tackle any problem, approach any goal and find the serenity, self-knowledge and resilience you need to live well.

5. Stillness is the Key :-

Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller and Wall Street Journal Bestseller

Throughout history, there’s been one indelible quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focused and calm in a constantly busy world.

This quality, valued by every major school of thought from Buddha to Seneca, John Stuart Mill to Nietzsche, is urgently necessary today. And, Holiday shows, it is entirely attainable. Just as Winston Churchill used bricklaying as a time to recharge and reflect, or Oprah Winfrey learned deep empathy from her quiet childhood, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions – whether winning a battle, building a business, or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction.

Filled with wisdom and examples from historical and contemporary figures, this book shows how to cultivate this quality in your own life. Because stillness is not merely inactivity, but the doorway to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.

6. Courage Is Calling :-

An inspiring anthem to the power, promise, and challenges of courage, the first in a series examining the timeless Stoic virtues from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ryan Holiday

Fortune favours the bold. All great leaders of history have known this, and were successful because of the risks they dared to take. But today so many of us are paralysed by fear.

Drawing on ancient Stoic wisdom and examples across history and around the world, Ryan Holiday shows why courage is so important, and how to cultivate it in our own lives. Courage is not simply physical bravery but also doing the right thing and standing up for what you believe; it’s creativity, generosity and perseverance. And it is the only way to live an extraordinary, fulfilled and effective life.

Everything in life begins with courage. This book will equip you with the bravery to begin.

7. Discipline Is Destiny :-


The inscription on the Oracle of Delphi says: ‘Nothing in excess.’ C.S. Lewis described temperance as going to the ‘right length but no further.’ Easy to say, hard to practice – and if it was tough in 300 BC, or in the 1940s, it feels all but impossible today. Yet it’s the most empowering and important virtue any of us can learn.

Without self-discipline, all our plans fall apart. Here, Ryan Holiday shows how to cultivate willpower, moderation and self-control in our lives. From Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius, to Toni Morrison and Queen Elizabeth II, he illuminates the great exemplars of its practice and what we can learn from them. Moderation is not about abstinence: it is about self-respect, focus and balance. Without it, even the most positive traits become vices. But with it, happiness and success are assured: the key is not more but finding the right amount.

8. Right Thing, Right Now: Goodness to Greatness :-

If we do what is right, everything else will follow: happiness, success, meaning, reputation, love. This is central to Stoic wisdom. The path isn’t always easy, but it is essential, and the alternative – taking the easy route – leads only to cowardice and folly.

In the third book in his bestselling Stoic Virtues series, Ryan Holiday explores the crucial role that integrity plays in every good life. From pillars of upright living like Ulysses S. Grant and Marcus Aurelius, to the cautionary tales of Napoleon and F. Scott Fitzgerald, this book shows us the power of owning our convictions and acting in accordance with our beliefs – and the perils of an ill-formed conscience.

Our conscience, our sense of justice, is our first and our last strength: we can train it, hone it and fortify it, but above all, we must never lose it. This book shows us how.

9. The Daily Dad (B PB): 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids :-

What does it mean to be a great father? Parenting is a role filled with meaning and purpose, but every dad needs guidance: because fatherhood is not a one-off, it is something you do every day.

From Socrates to Martin Luther King Jr., ancient philosophy to contemporary psychology, The Daily Dad collates wisdom from around the world to help every dad face the day-to-day challenges in the lifelong job of parenting. Each daily meditation offers a memorable lesson on being the role model and carer your child needs, rooted in timeless principles. Parents new and experienced alike will find inspiration and advice to last a lifetime.

About Author

Ryan Holiday is one of the world's bestselling living philosophers. His books, including The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, The Daily Stoic, and the # 1 New York Times bestseller Stillness Is the Key, appear in more than 40 languages and have sold more than 4 million copies. Together, they've spent over 300 weeks on the bestseller lists. He lives outside Austin with his wife and two boys...and a small herd of cows and donkeys and goats. His bookstore, The Painted Porch, sits on historic Main St in Bastrop, Texas.


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Be the first to review “Ryan Holiday (Set of 9 Books): Growth Hacker Marketing (Paperback) | The Obstacle is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Trials into Triumph (Hardback) | Ego is the Enemy (Hardback) | The Daily Stoic (Paperback) | Stillness is the Key (Hardback) | Courage Is Calling (Hardback) | Discipline Is Destiny (Paperback) | Right Thing, Right Now: Goodness to Greatness (Hardback) | The Daily Dad (B PB): 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love, and Raising Great Kids (Paperback)”

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