Postnatal Pilates: A Recovery and Strength Guide for Life

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Anya Hayes
| Language:
| Format:
Bloomsbury Publishing
Anya Hayes


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This is a straight-talking, woman-to-woman postnatal recovery guide with a difference. These tailored Pilates exercises are safe and effective to build strong foundations, whatever your exercise goals. Clear step-by-step exercises are suitable for the fourth trimester, caesarean recovery and year one and beyond. Take control of your postnatal recovery and feel empowered with this toolkit of resources. Health, fitness and wellbeing advice will help replenish and renew your energy in mind, body and spirit. Learn how to check for abdominal separation and recognise the signs of pelvic floor weakness – what it means and what you can do about it. Posture tips, easily incorporated into your day-to-day life – while breastfeeding, pushing your buggy, at your desk, picking up your toddler. Routines are realistic and manageable as they are broken down into bite-sized 1/2/3-minute blocks.


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This is a straight-talking, woman-to-woman postnatal recovery guide with a difference. These tailored Pilates exercises are safe and effective to build strong foundations, whatever your exercise goals. Clear step-by-step exercises are suitable for the fourth trimester, caesarean recovery and year one and beyond. Take control of your postnatal recovery and feel empowered with this toolkit of resources. Health, fitness and wellbeing advice will help replenish and renew your energy in mind, body and spirit. Learn how to check for abdominal separation and recognise the signs of pelvic floor weakness – what it means and what you can do about it. Posture tips, easily incorporated into your day-to-day life – while breastfeeding, pushing your buggy, at your desk, picking up your toddler. Routines are realistic and manageable as they are broken down into bite-sized 1/2/3-minute blocks.

About Author

Anya Hayes is a Body Control Pilates instructor who has been working with pregnancy and postnatal clients for 1 years, with advanced pregnancy and postnatal training, including Pilates for caesarean recovery, diastasis repair and extensive pelvic floor further education. She is currently working with a team of postnatal experts (two NHS doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology, a women's health physio and a postnatal PT) creating a campaign to tackle the postpartum care referral pathway system, trying to bring awareness to the area and ultimately ensure that all women receive the care that they deserve after birth. She is a health and wellbeing writer specialising in parenting and maternal mental health, and author of Pilates for Pregnancy, Bloomsbury 218.


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