Our Next Reality: How the AI-powered Metaverse Will Reshape the World

Nicholas Brealey Publishing
| Author:
Alvin Graylin | Louis Rosenberg
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Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Alvin Graylin | Louis Rosenberg


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Over the last 100 years, technology has changed our world. Over the next decade it will transform our reality.

We are entering a new technological age in which artificial intelligence and immersive media will transform society at all levels, mediating our lives by altering what we see, hear, and experience. Powered by immersive eyewear and driven by interactive AI agents, this new age of computing has the potential to make our world a magical place where the boundaries between the real and the virtual, the human and the artificial, rapidly fade away. If managed well, this could unleash a new age of abundance. If managed poorly, this technological revolution could easily go astray, deeply compromising our privacy, autonomy, agency, and even our humanity.

In Our Next Reality, two industry veterans provide a data-driven debate on whether the new world we’re creating will be a technological utopia or an AI-powered dystopia and give guidance on how to aim for the best future we can. With a Foreword by renowned author Neal Stephenson and section contributions from industry thought-leaders such as Peter H. Diamandis, Tom Furness, Phillip Rosedale, Tony Parisi, Avi Bar Zeev and Walter Parkes, this book answers over a dozen of the most pressing questions we face as artificial intelligence and spatial computing accelerates the digitization of our world. Find out why our actions in the next decade could determine the trajectory of our species for countless millennia.


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Over the last 100 years, technology has changed our world. Over the next decade it will transform our reality.

We are entering a new technological age in which artificial intelligence and immersive media will transform society at all levels, mediating our lives by altering what we see, hear, and experience. Powered by immersive eyewear and driven by interactive AI agents, this new age of computing has the potential to make our world a magical place where the boundaries between the real and the virtual, the human and the artificial, rapidly fade away. If managed well, this could unleash a new age of abundance. If managed poorly, this technological revolution could easily go astray, deeply compromising our privacy, autonomy, agency, and even our humanity.

In Our Next Reality, two industry veterans provide a data-driven debate on whether the new world we’re creating will be a technological utopia or an AI-powered dystopia and give guidance on how to aim for the best future we can. With a Foreword by renowned author Neal Stephenson and section contributions from industry thought-leaders such as Peter H. Diamandis, Tom Furness, Phillip Rosedale, Tony Parisi, Avi Bar Zeev and Walter Parkes, this book answers over a dozen of the most pressing questions we face as artificial intelligence and spatial computing accelerates the digitization of our world. Find out why our actions in the next decade could determine the trajectory of our species for countless millennia.

About Author

Mr. Alvin Wang Graylin is a respected tech entrepreneur and executive, who has founded four venture backed startups in the area of natural language AI search, mobile social, location-based AR services, and big data AI analytics. He's also a recognized industry leader in the immersive computing space having served as China President and Global VP of Corp Development for HTC, President of the Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance, Vice-chair of the Industry of VR Alliance, Distinguished Professor of VR at the BeiHang University and is a board member of the Virtual World Society. He was born in China during the Cultural Revolution, and has spent about half his life in China and half in the U.S.

Dr. Louis Rosenberg is an early pioneer of virtual and augmented reality. His work began over thirty years ago in VR labs at Stanford University, NASA, and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) where he developed the first functional mixed reality system. In 1993 he founded the early VR company Immersion Corporation which he brought public on NASDAQ in 1999. In 2004 he founded Outland Research, an early developer of augmented reality and spatial media technology that was acquired by Google in 2011. He received his PhD from Stanford University, was a tenured professor at California State University, and has been awarded over 300 patents for VR, AR, and AI technologies. He is currently CEO of the artificial intelligence company Unanimous AI, the Chief Scientist of the Responsible Metaverse Alliance, and writes often for major publications about the dangers of emerging technologies.


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