Namaste – An Illustrated Guide to the Hindu Way of Life

Evincepub Publishing
| Author:
Jay Narayan
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| Format:
Evincepub Publishing
Jay Narayan


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Hindu tradition is based on Sanatana Dharma, a spiritual path towards comprehending the creation of the universe, realising the Ultimate Truth, and becoming one with the Supreme Divinity. The core objective of Hinduism can be summed up as atmanam viddhi, Le know thy Self. It is one of the oldest continuing cultural traditions of the world, and a truly amazing spiritual way of life if comectly understood. The Namaste gesture means the divine in me sees the divine in you. A humble yet remarkable way to greet someone. This simple word captures the essence of Hinduism This compendium presents the alluring spiritual wisdom of Hindu traditions in in a a condenser condensed, easy to read format with hundreds of spell bincing pictures and dlustrations
NAMASTE is a book of life, which aims to awaken the spirituality of cose and all


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Hindu tradition is based on Sanatana Dharma, a spiritual path towards comprehending the creation of the universe, realising the Ultimate Truth, and becoming one with the Supreme Divinity. The core objective of Hinduism can be summed up as atmanam viddhi, Le know thy Self. It is one of the oldest continuing cultural traditions of the world, and a truly amazing spiritual way of life if comectly understood. The Namaste gesture means the divine in me sees the divine in you. A humble yet remarkable way to greet someone. This simple word captures the essence of Hinduism This compendium presents the alluring spiritual wisdom of Hindu traditions in in a a condenser condensed, easy to read format with hundreds of spell bincing pictures and dlustrations
NAMASTE is a book of life, which aims to awaken the spirituality of cose and all

About Author

Jay Narayan is a spiritual seeker on a passionate quest for wisdom and inner truths in life. He firmly believes that when there is spiritual progress in a society, all its people will lead contented and worthy lives. In addition to his spiritual pursuits, he is a Chartered Engineer by profession, with over 25 years of experience working with esteemed engineering companies. Jay lives with his family in London, UK. Even though this is his first venture as an author, Jay Narayan has dedicated considerable time to thoroughly exploring and understanding spiritual concepts. His experience in logically and aesthetically writing scientific reports has helped him present the knowledge in the form of a well-balanced, engaging and pleasing narrative with the potential to arouse the spiritual quest in all readers.


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