My World Within

Roli Books
| Author:
Kapil Sibal
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Roli Books
Kapil Sibal


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How do poems grow? They grow out of your life’ Robert Penn Warren Replete with wit, satire, humour and a passionate awareness of the ever-changing world, Kapil Sibal’s collection of poetry is a testimony to Warren’s belief. With varied themes ranging from love, desire, friendship, world economy, terrorism and international affairs, the poems take us on a path to discover a universe that is so perfect in its imperfection. The emotions and thoughts central to Kapil Sibal’s life weave a rhythmic story of his world within ‘Hamlet personifies Doubt-Honest, eloquent doubt. A lawyer-politician cannot afford to be that soliloquizing Prince. But within the agonising demarks of betrayal, intrigue and worse, Kapil Sibal has found-made- a poetic space where he can ask if he is meant to be or not to be, himself.’ Gopalkrishna Gandhi If poetry is only emotions and feelings; it affects our minds for a short while. If it is only intellect and wisdom it doesn’t touch our hearts. Kapil Sibal’s poetry is a synthesis of emotions and intellect. His poems are felt thoughts’ Javed Akhtar


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How do poems grow? They grow out of your life’ Robert Penn Warren Replete with wit, satire, humour and a passionate awareness of the ever-changing world, Kapil Sibal’s collection of poetry is a testimony to Warren’s belief. With varied themes ranging from love, desire, friendship, world economy, terrorism and international affairs, the poems take us on a path to discover a universe that is so perfect in its imperfection. The emotions and thoughts central to Kapil Sibal’s life weave a rhythmic story of his world within ‘Hamlet personifies Doubt-Honest, eloquent doubt. A lawyer-politician cannot afford to be that soliloquizing Prince. But within the agonising demarks of betrayal, intrigue and worse, Kapil Sibal has found-made- a poetic space where he can ask if he is meant to be or not to be, himself.’ Gopalkrishna Gandhi If poetry is only emotions and feelings; it affects our minds for a short while. If it is only intellect and wisdom it doesn’t touch our hearts. Kapil Sibal’s poetry is a synthesis of emotions and intellect. His poems are felt thoughts’ Javed Akhtar

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