Los Siets Libros Del Kama Sutra / Spanish

Grijalbo Mondadori (Int.)
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Grijalbo Mondadori (Int.)


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The Kama Sutra, the most subtle and well-known guide of sensual love, is an ancient Sanskrit text composed in the fourth century by the Indian sage Vatsyayanaq. This is a collection of aphorisms, which if on the one hand allows for easy memorization, the other makes dark to understand when not accompanied by explanations and images. A late nineteenth century was translated into English by Sir Richard Burton, the famous explorer and traveler. Of the various issues that have made this erotic masterpiece, none combines the features of this exceptional both for its lavish presentation as by the careful selection of his illustrations to encourage fuller understanding of the text. Alongside the ancient Sanskrit texts, translation, made especially for this work by Andrea Pinkney, and relevant quotations from the work of Burton, who still retains much of his astonished freshness, visual images whose strength makes explicit instructions for behavior correct sex during courtship, marriage and other less conventional situations, from stone carving of the temples or the bronze sculpture, painting and engraving, and the frescoes of the caves. All documentation effort is accompanied by explanatory texts on the context in which they were created.


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The Kama Sutra, the most subtle and well-known guide of sensual love, is an ancient Sanskrit text composed in the fourth century by the Indian sage Vatsyayanaq. This is a collection of aphorisms, which if on the one hand allows for easy memorization, the other makes dark to understand when not accompanied by explanations and images. A late nineteenth century was translated into English by Sir Richard Burton, the famous explorer and traveler. Of the various issues that have made this erotic masterpiece, none combines the features of this exceptional both for its lavish presentation as by the careful selection of his illustrations to encourage fuller understanding of the text. Alongside the ancient Sanskrit texts, translation, made especially for this work by Andrea Pinkney, and relevant quotations from the work of Burton, who still retains much of his astonished freshness, visual images whose strength makes explicit instructions for behavior correct sex during courtship, marriage and other less conventional situations, from stone carving of the temples or the bronze sculpture, painting and engraving, and the frescoes of the caves. All documentation effort is accompanied by explanatory texts on the context in which they were created.

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