Legal Eagles-Demy HB

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Legal Eagles: Stories of the Top Seven Indian Lawyers

Indian judicial system has garnered worldwide fame through its historical and remarkable judgements and the hard work of its judges and lawyers rarely catches the glaze of common public. Legal Eagle tries to bridge this gap. Indu Bhan?s ‘Legal Eagles: Stories of top seven Indian lawyers? traces the story of the top seven lawyers in India. Lawyers, as we commonly perceive, are not just shrewd intellectuals but much more. It takes more than just intelligence to become a successful lawyer. It takes years of practice, extensive studies and professionalism which set the absolutely outstanding lawyers from the general ones. Their life and career graph is full of crusts and troughs and this book gives an insight into it. Legal Eagles is an exciting read for all the budding lawyers and for all those who are interested in knowing about the life and struggle of great lawyers and how they achieve success in life through sheer grit and hard work . The top seven lawyers chosen by Indu Bhan as the subjects of her book are well known lawyers and have prolific personality worthy to be written about. The seven lawyers whose life and career has found a mention in the book are Harish Salve, Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman, Mukul Rohatgi, Abhishek Sangvi, CA Sundaram and Arvind Datar. A common link between all seven of them is that they all have been or are applying their trade in the Supreme Court of India. While some of them like Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman and Mukul Rohatgi carried on their family legacy of being lawyer, other like Harish Salve and Arvind Datar accidentally landed upon this profession and are now the stalwarts of legal practice. Legal Eagles is filled with several details of high profile cases handled by these lawyers like Coalgate, Vodafone Tax Case etc. and also explains the psychological and emotional impact that these cases had on them. Not just their professional career, but we also catch a glimpse of their personal life in this book. We get a personal view of the life of these seven legal eagles of India as the author talks about their background, mentors, turning points in their life, what was their way to success, their struggles, daily routine etc. This book is available for sale online and can be purchased at A now About the author Indu Bhan is a special correspondent at ?The Indian Express? and one of their leading columnists. The book?s foreword has been written by Justice R. M. Lodha, Former Chief Justice of India and critically acclaimed by Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister of India.

10 Judgements that Changed India
This book presents a compilation of 10 essays on some of the most influential judgmentsÂ’ that were passed by the Supreme Court of India and proved to be life-altering for the common man and the democracy of the nation. These judgments by the Indian Judiciary proved that the nationÂ’s legal system is not as irresolute as often cited. The author attempts to paint the complete picture of some of the most controversial cases, like Maneka Gandhi versus the Union Bank of India, the Union Carbide Corporation versus Union of India, Mohammed Ahmed Khan versus Shah Bano Begam and Olga Tellis versus the Bombay Municipal Corporation among others. From the matter of environmental jurisprudence and custodial deaths to the controversial topic of reservations, the author deals extensively with each case in the 10 essays and points out the effects that the Supreme courtÂ’s final verdicts produced. The book describes how the Indian judicial system is capable of impacting the lives of the millions that thrive under this democracy and succeeds in restoring the readerÂ’s faith on the legal system of the nation. The internal affairs that go about in each case, which otherwise escape scrutiny, have been shed light on through the book. About the author: A well-known author, Zia Mody is also a famous legal consultant specializing in corporate mergers and acquisition law. A graduate from the Cambridge University, she got her Masters from Harvard Law School. She is also a managing partner of AZB & Partners, which is one of India’s largest law firms.


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Legal Eagles: Stories of the Top Seven Indian Lawyers

Indian judicial system has garnered worldwide fame through its historical and remarkable judgements and the hard work of its judges and lawyers rarely catches the glaze of common public. Legal Eagle tries to bridge this gap. Indu Bhan?s ‘Legal Eagles: Stories of top seven Indian lawyers? traces the story of the top seven lawyers in India. Lawyers, as we commonly perceive, are not just shrewd intellectuals but much more. It takes more than just intelligence to become a successful lawyer. It takes years of practice, extensive studies and professionalism which set the absolutely outstanding lawyers from the general ones. Their life and career graph is full of crusts and troughs and this book gives an insight into it. Legal Eagles is an exciting read for all the budding lawyers and for all those who are interested in knowing about the life and struggle of great lawyers and how they achieve success in life through sheer grit and hard work . The top seven lawyers chosen by Indu Bhan as the subjects of her book are well known lawyers and have prolific personality worthy to be written about. The seven lawyers whose life and career has found a mention in the book are Harish Salve, Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman, Mukul Rohatgi, Abhishek Sangvi, CA Sundaram and Arvind Datar. A common link between all seven of them is that they all have been or are applying their trade in the Supreme Court of India. While some of them like Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman and Mukul Rohatgi carried on their family legacy of being lawyer, other like Harish Salve and Arvind Datar accidentally landed upon this profession and are now the stalwarts of legal practice. Legal Eagles is filled with several details of high profile cases handled by these lawyers like Coalgate, Vodafone Tax Case etc. and also explains the psychological and emotional impact that these cases had on them. Not just their professional career, but we also catch a glimpse of their personal life in this book. We get a personal view of the life of these seven legal eagles of India as the author talks about their background, mentors, turning points in their life, what was their way to success, their struggles, daily routine etc. This book is available for sale online and can be purchased at A now About the author Indu Bhan is a special correspondent at ?The Indian Express? and one of their leading columnists. The book?s foreword has been written by Justice R. M. Lodha, Former Chief Justice of India and critically acclaimed by Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister of India.

10 Judgements that Changed India
This book presents a compilation of 10 essays on some of the most influential judgmentsÂ’ that were passed by the Supreme Court of India and proved to be life-altering for the common man and the democracy of the nation. These judgments by the Indian Judiciary proved that the nationÂ’s legal system is not as irresolute as often cited. The author attempts to paint the complete picture of some of the most controversial cases, like Maneka Gandhi versus the Union Bank of India, the Union Carbide Corporation versus Union of India, Mohammed Ahmed Khan versus Shah Bano Begam and Olga Tellis versus the Bombay Municipal Corporation among others. From the matter of environmental jurisprudence and custodial deaths to the controversial topic of reservations, the author deals extensively with each case in the 10 essays and points out the effects that the Supreme courtÂ’s final verdicts produced. The book describes how the Indian judicial system is capable of impacting the lives of the millions that thrive under this democracy and succeeds in restoring the readerÂ’s faith on the legal system of the nation. The internal affairs that go about in each case, which otherwise escape scrutiny, have been shed light on through the book. About the author: A well-known author, Zia Mody is also a famous legal consultant specializing in corporate mergers and acquisition law. A graduate from the Cambridge University, she got her Masters from Harvard Law School. She is also a managing partner of AZB & Partners, which is one of India’s largest law firms.

About Author

Legal Eagles: Stories of the Top Seven Indian Lawyers Indian judicial system has garnered worldwide fame through its historical and remarkable judgements and the hard work of its judges and lawyers rarely catches the glaze of common public. Legal Eagle tries to bridge this gap. Indu Bhan?s 'Legal Eagles: Stories of top seven Indian lawyers? traces the story of the top seven lawyers in India. Lawyers, as we commonly perceive, are not just shrewd intellectuals but much more. It takes more than just intelligence to become a successful lawyer. It takes years of practice, extensive studies and professionalism which set the absolutely outstanding lawyers from the general ones. Their life and career graph is full of crusts and troughs and this book gives an insight into it. Legal Eagles is an exciting read for all the budding lawyers and for all those who are interested in knowing about the life and struggle of great lawyers and how they achieve success in life through sheer grit and hard work . The top seven lawyers chosen by Indu Bhan as the subjects of her book are well known lawyers and have prolific personality worthy to be written about. The seven lawyers whose life and career has found a mention in the book are Harish Salve, Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman, Mukul Rohatgi, Abhishek Sangvi, CA Sundaram and Arvind Datar. A common link between all seven of them is that they all have been or are applying their trade in the Supreme Court of India. While some of them like Prashant Bhushan, Rohinton Nariman and Mukul Rohatgi carried on their family legacy of being lawyer, other like Harish Salve and Arvind Datar accidentally landed upon this profession and are now the stalwarts of legal practice. Legal Eagles is filled with several details of high profile cases handled by these lawyers like Coalgate, Vodafone Tax Case etc. and also explains the psychological and emotional impact that these cases had on them. Not just their professional career, but we also catch a glimpse of their personal life in this book. We get a personal view of the life of these seven legal eagles of India as the author talks about their background, mentors, turning points in their life, what was their way to success, their struggles, daily routine etc. This book is available for sale online and can be purchased at A now About the author Indu Bhan is a special correspondent at ?The Indian Express? and one of their leading columnists. The book?s foreword has been written by Justice R. M. Lodha, Former Chief Justice of India and critically acclaimed by Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister of India. 10 Judgements that Changed India This book presents a compilation of 10 essays on some of the most influential judgmentsÂ’ that were passed by the Supreme Court of India and proved to be life-altering for the common man and the democracy of the nation. These judgments by the Indian Judiciary proved that the nationÂ’s legal system is not as irresolute as often cited. The author attempts to paint the complete picture of some of the most controversial cases, like Maneka Gandhi versus the Union Bank of India, the Union Carbide Corporation versus Union of India, Mohammed Ahmed Khan versus Shah Bano Begam and Olga Tellis versus the Bombay Municipal Corporation among others. From the matter of environmental jurisprudence and custodial deaths to the controversial topic of reservations, the author deals extensively with each case in the 10 essays and points out the effects that the Supreme courtÂ’s final verdicts produced. The book describes how the Indian judicial system is capable of impacting the lives of the millions that thrive under this democracy and succeeds in restoring the readerÂ’s faith on the legal system of the nation. The internal affairs that go about in each case, which otherwise escape scrutiny, have been shed light on through the book. About the author: A well-known author, Zia Mody is also a famous legal consultant specializing in corporate mergers and acquisition law. A graduate from the Cambridge University, she got her Masters from Harvard Law School. She is also a managing partner of AZB & Partners, which is one of India's largest law firms.


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