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Lean Marketing

Macmillan USA
| Author:
Allan Dib
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Macmillan USA
Allan Dib


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Picking up where the bestselling book left off, Lean Marketing gives you powerful and proven marketing strategies to grow your business. Simplify, structure, and scale your marketing plan – without the extra work You keep being told to do more marketing. More complex, more specialized and more expensive marketing. Chasing the latest bright shiny object is exhausting. Following charismatic business and marketing “gurus” keeps leading to disappointment. The overwhelm for entrepreneurs, marketers and business leaders is real. There is a better way. The Lean Marketing movement has been quietly gathering momentum. Small, medium and large businesses are getting bigger and better results by actually doing less marketing. Implementing Lean Marketing in your business will help you punch above your weight. In this book, you’ll discover: The exact tools and tactics you need to build a devastatingly effective marketing system; How to simplify, systemize and scale your marketing; How to develop your own marketing capabilities so that your team of mere mortals can achieve big marketing results; How to create marketing so valuable to your audience that they’d actually be willing to pay you for it; How the Lean movement transformed Japanese manufacturing from the worst in the world to the best in the world and how it’s now transforming marketing; How to massively remove waste and increase the efficiency of your branding efforts; How to achieve product/market fit so that your marketing will cut through the noise; How “program” your market to bend to your will; How to do marketing that you’ll be proud of and that will actually build your brand without hype, scams and pressure; How to make your marketing part of your value proposition rather than an afterthought that’s boring, difficult and ineffective; How to win with systematic and structured marketing rather than failing with random acts of marketing Lean Marketing is a follow-up to the international bestselling phenomenon The 1-Page Marketing Plan. The 1-Page Marketing Plan gave you a simple, clear and structured framework to create a marketing plan and strategy. This book is packed with tools and tactics that enable you to put your marketing plan into action. Stop trying to outshout the other guy. Stop the ineffective random acts of marketing. Stop wasting time with theoretical claptrap that has you trapped in endless meetings. Get immediate traction by implementing Lean Marketing in your business.


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Picking up where the bestselling book left off, Lean Marketing gives you powerful and proven marketing strategies to grow your business. Simplify, structure, and scale your marketing plan – without the extra work You keep being told to do more marketing. More complex, more specialized and more expensive marketing. Chasing the latest bright shiny object is exhausting. Following charismatic business and marketing “gurus” keeps leading to disappointment. The overwhelm for entrepreneurs, marketers and business leaders is real. There is a better way. The Lean Marketing movement has been quietly gathering momentum. Small, medium and large businesses are getting bigger and better results by actually doing less marketing. Implementing Lean Marketing in your business will help you punch above your weight. In this book, you’ll discover: The exact tools and tactics you need to build a devastatingly effective marketing system; How to simplify, systemize and scale your marketing; How to develop your own marketing capabilities so that your team of mere mortals can achieve big marketing results; How to create marketing so valuable to your audience that they’d actually be willing to pay you for it; How the Lean movement transformed Japanese manufacturing from the worst in the world to the best in the world and how it’s now transforming marketing; How to massively remove waste and increase the efficiency of your branding efforts; How to achieve product/market fit so that your marketing will cut through the noise; How “program” your market to bend to your will; How to do marketing that you’ll be proud of and that will actually build your brand without hype, scams and pressure; How to make your marketing part of your value proposition rather than an afterthought that’s boring, difficult and ineffective; How to win with systematic and structured marketing rather than failing with random acts of marketing Lean Marketing is a follow-up to the international bestselling phenomenon The 1-Page Marketing Plan. The 1-Page Marketing Plan gave you a simple, clear and structured framework to create a marketing plan and strategy. This book is packed with tools and tactics that enable you to put your marketing plan into action. Stop trying to outshout the other guy. Stop the ineffective random acts of marketing. Stop wasting time with theoretical claptrap that has you trapped in endless meetings. Get immediate traction by implementing Lean Marketing in your business.

About Author

Marketing is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned. My work is helping people and organizations develop or enhance their marketing skills. I think people read “about” pages and author bios for two main reasons. They want to know, “Is this person credible?” and “What can they do for me?” With that in mind, here’s a bunch of business stuff I’ve done that I’m proud of: • I’ve sold a lot of books. • My books have a lot of reach. They’ve been translated into over 30 languages and have impacted millions of entrepreneurs all over the world. • I’ve founded, scaled, and successfully exited multiple high-growth businesses across various industries, including IT, telecommunications, and marketing. • I’ve spoken to thousands of people at some amazing events and conferences. • I’ve made a lot of money along the way. I know money doesn’t buy happiness, but having grown up poor, I can tell you being rich is much better. • I work very reasonable hours. My business and work support my lifestyle, health, and relationships rather than being detrimental to them. Here’s what I can do for you: • I’ll give you a clear, simple, and structured framework for marketing success. • I’ll help you and your team build your marketing skills, infrastructure, and capabilities. • I’ll help you grow your business revenue and profit. • I’ll help you increase the value of your business and create an asset that’s salable should you ever decide you want to exit. • I’ll help you build the kind of business that allows you to live life on your own terms. • We’ll do all of the above in a way that’s fun.


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