King of Lanka: The Return of Ravana: Boo

Penguin Random House
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For four teenagers, the Ramayana is not just a tale. It is their fate! In every life they have ever lived, Vikram, Amanjit, Rasita and Deepika have been persecuted and killed by Ravindra, who aspires to the throne of Ravana the Demon-King. Now Rasita is a captive of Ravindra, and demonic beings thought to be mythical are rallying to him. His triumph seems inevitable. Vikram and Amanjit must rescue her.


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For four teenagers, the Ramayana is not just a tale. It is their fate! In every life they have ever lived, Vikram, Amanjit, Rasita and Deepika have been persecuted and killed by Ravindra, who aspires to the throne of Ravana the Demon-King. Now Rasita is a captive of Ravindra, and demonic beings thought to be mythical are rallying to him. His triumph seems inevitable. Vikram and Amanjit must rescue her.

About Author

Hi, welcome to my author page. I do have a full website:, so do drop past that if you’d like. I’m the author of both mass market and YA fantasy novels: • The Moontide Quartet is a 4-book fantasy series set on the imaginary world of Urte, and is an East meets West novel of magic and war. It’s been released in UK and US editions, as well as translated into German, Dutch, Turkish and Bulgarian. • The forthcoming Sunsurge Quartet is a sequel to the Moontide Quartet, but can be read as a self-contained series. • The Aotearoa Series is a 6-book YA fantasy series, set in my homeland of New Zealand, and interweaves history and mythology with urban fantasy. • The Return of Ravana series is a 4-book YA fantasy series set in India, and is based upon the Indian epic, The Ramayana. It is currently being re-issued with revised text, and under different titles. I've been fortunate to pick up 2 New Zealand awards for my YA work (The Bone Tiki (Aotearoa series) won 'Best First Book' at the NZ Post Children's Book Awards in 2009, and Pyre of Queens (Return of Ravana series) won the LIANZA YA Award for 2012 (LIANZA being the NZ Librarians Assoc). As you'll note from the above, I like to ground my writing in mythology and history, both of which I've studied at university. I've lived in India and the UK, and currently reside in Thailand; and I’ve travelled in South East Asia, Europe and America. Away from writing, I love football, movies, wine, travel, obscure music, and being with my wife and children.


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