Indian Families at the Crossroad: Preparing Families for the New Millennium

Gyan Publishing House
| Author:
David K Karson
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| Format:
Gyan Publishing House
David K Karson


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Today’s indian families are indeed at a crossroads. On the one hand, many families havs found a way to stay close and resilient during these times of rapid socialeconomic and policical change. On the other hand, Indian families are encounterign new and disturnbing problems that are putting them at risk for a host of biopsychosocial problems. This book examines both sides of the crossroads as it addressed many of the pressing and controvesial issues in contemporaryu indian socierty and its place in the modern workd, as well as factors that threaten the structure and well being of the Indian family system. However, unlike other books, which primarily emphasized social ills and he negative aspects of family life, this book presents a balanced view of Indian cultural and family strengths and vulneranbilities. The editors discuss potential solurtions to complex poroblems of both local/community and national levels. Readers will be left with a greater underastanding fo the richness ans disvesity of the Indian family as it remains the backbone of the world’s largest democracy. It is the editors hope that each chaper will she new llight on how working professionals an concerned citizens can better prepare families for the unparalleled challenges of today and tommorow as well las assisst families (rural and urban) which are already in the quagmire


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Today’s indian families are indeed at a crossroads. On the one hand, many families havs found a way to stay close and resilient during these times of rapid socialeconomic and policical change. On the other hand, Indian families are encounterign new and disturnbing problems that are putting them at risk for a host of biopsychosocial problems. This book examines both sides of the crossroads as it addressed many of the pressing and controvesial issues in contemporaryu indian socierty and its place in the modern workd, as well as factors that threaten the structure and well being of the Indian family system. However, unlike other books, which primarily emphasized social ills and he negative aspects of family life, this book presents a balanced view of Indian cultural and family strengths and vulneranbilities. The editors discuss potential solurtions to complex poroblems of both local/community and national levels. Readers will be left with a greater underastanding fo the richness ans disvesity of the Indian family as it remains the backbone of the world’s largest democracy. It is the editors hope that each chaper will she new llight on how working professionals an concerned citizens can better prepare families for the unparalleled challenges of today and tommorow as well las assisst families (rural and urban) which are already in the quagmire

About Author

Today's indian families are indeed at a crossroads. On the one hand, many families havs found a way to stay close and resilient during these times of rapid socialeconomic and policical change. On the other hand, Indian families are encounterign new and disturnbing problems that are putting them at risk for a host of biopsychosocial problems. This book examines both sides of the crossroads as it addressed many of the pressing and controvesial issues in contemporaryu indian socierty and its place in the modern workd, as well as factors that threaten the structure and well being of the Indian family system. However, unlike other books, which primarily emphasized social ills and he negative aspects of family life, this book presents a balanced view of Indian cultural and family strengths and vulneranbilities. The editors discuss potential solurtions to complex poroblems of both local/community and national levels. Readers will be left with a greater underastanding fo the richness ans disvesity of the Indian family as it remains the backbone of the world's largest democracy. It is the editors hope that each chaper will she new llight on how working professionals an concerned citizens can better prepare families for the unparalleled challenges of today and tommorow as well las assisst families (rural and urban) which are already in the quagmire


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