Everyday Superfoods

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Nandita Iyer
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Bloomsbury Publishing
Nandita Iyer


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THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO ADDING SUPERFOODS TO YOUR DIET, ONE EASY STEP AT A TIME.Superfoods are buzzword and a marketing ploy more than an actual food group, that every health food brand and store is trying to woo us with. But if we had to describe superfoods, these would comprise foods that are very rich in one or more nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to their nutrient density, these foods help boost general health, immunity, longevity, or are known for specific benefits such as cancer prevention, blood sugar management etc.In a country as large and diverse as India, it is important to examine what superfoods mean in the context of our local produce, which is diverse and wide-ranging – from millets in Karnataka to amaranth in Himachal Pradesh; turmeric in Salem to tea in Darjeeling and so on. This book aims to be the definitive read on how one can introduce superfoods to one’s diet through simple recipes that can be made everyday. From easy meal plans that can be followed to choosing what to use based on your needs – whether it is boosting immunity or reducing hypertension and treating diabetes – Everyday Superfoods is the book that will form a crucial next step in your wellness journey.


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THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO ADDING SUPERFOODS TO YOUR DIET, ONE EASY STEP AT A TIME.Superfoods are buzzword and a marketing ploy more than an actual food group, that every health food brand and store is trying to woo us with. But if we had to describe superfoods, these would comprise foods that are very rich in one or more nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to their nutrient density, these foods help boost general health, immunity, longevity, or are known for specific benefits such as cancer prevention, blood sugar management etc.In a country as large and diverse as India, it is important to examine what superfoods mean in the context of our local produce, which is diverse and wide-ranging – from millets in Karnataka to amaranth in Himachal Pradesh; turmeric in Salem to tea in Darjeeling and so on. This book aims to be the definitive read on how one can introduce superfoods to one’s diet through simple recipes that can be made everyday. From easy meal plans that can be followed to choosing what to use based on your needs – whether it is boosting immunity or reducing hypertension and treating diabetes – Everyday Superfoods is the book that will form a crucial next step in your wellness journey.

About Author

Nandita Iyer is the popular author of the blog The Saffron Trail. She has been featured in and has written for the BBC, Vogue, Femina, India Today, among other publications, and has thousands of followers on Instagram and Twitter.


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