Ethical Hacking & Network Analysis with Wireshark

BPB Publications
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Manish Sharma
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BPB Publications
Manish Sharma


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The ‘Ethical Hacker’s Penetration Testing Guide’ is a hands-on guide that will take you from the fundamentals of pen testing to advanced security testing techniques. This book extensively uses popular pen testing tools such as Nmap, Burp Suite, Metasploit, SQLmap, OWASP ZAP, and Kali Linux.
A detailed analysis of pentesting strategies for discovering OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, XXE, file upload vulnerabilities, etc., are explained. It provides a hands-on demonstration of pentest approaches for thick client applications, mobile applications (Android), network services, and wireless networks. Other techniques such as Fuzzing, Dynamic Scanning (DAST), and so on are also demonstrated. Security logging, harmful activity monitoring, and pentesting for sensitive data are also included in the book. The book also covers web security automation with the help of writing effective python scripts.
Through a series of live demonstrations and real-world use cases, you will learn how to break applications to expose security flaws, detect the vulnerability, and exploit it appropriately. Throughout the book, you will learn how to identify security risks, as well as a few modern cybersecurity approaches and popular pentesting tools.


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The ‘Ethical Hacker’s Penetration Testing Guide’ is a hands-on guide that will take you from the fundamentals of pen testing to advanced security testing techniques. This book extensively uses popular pen testing tools such as Nmap, Burp Suite, Metasploit, SQLmap, OWASP ZAP, and Kali Linux.
A detailed analysis of pentesting strategies for discovering OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, XXE, file upload vulnerabilities, etc., are explained. It provides a hands-on demonstration of pentest approaches for thick client applications, mobile applications (Android), network services, and wireless networks. Other techniques such as Fuzzing, Dynamic Scanning (DAST), and so on are also demonstrated. Security logging, harmful activity monitoring, and pentesting for sensitive data are also included in the book. The book also covers web security automation with the help of writing effective python scripts.
Through a series of live demonstrations and real-world use cases, you will learn how to break applications to expose security flaws, detect the vulnerability, and exploit it appropriately. Throughout the book, you will learn how to identify security risks, as well as a few modern cybersecurity approaches and popular pentesting tools.

About Author

Samir Kumar Rakshit is working for Web Application Security for more than a decade including companies like Symantec, DigiCert Inc. He has been participating in various Hackfest and Cyberwar games as part of Symantec and got top spots from his business unit. He has given many training related to Web Application Security for the global employees at Symantec, DigiCert. He was a Security Lead and Security Champion at Symantec. He has a lot of interest in innovation efforts and has several patents. He was a Global Inventor Mentor at Symantec. He has presented various papers in internal conferences at Symantec/VeriSign. Samir lives in Bangalore and loves to spend free time with his lovely daughter, Nivedita, reading books, listening to music, traveling and helping people implement Rainwater Harvesting.


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