Education Is Freedom: The Future Is in Your Hands

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James W. Keyes
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James W. Keyes


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Democracy across the world is at risk. With the polarization of today’s society, the foundational right to freedom of speech is now being challenged from all sides. The truth is under siege as misinformation and hostility have replaced critical thinking and civil discourse. Our freedom of self-determination has a prerequisite: an informed electorate. If that electorate is armed with false information or is influenced by outside forces, their actions and reactions can put democracy in jeopardy.

Today, more than ever, we must turn to the education, knowledge, and wisdom of each individual to discern right from wrong, truth from fiction, and success from failure. If learning is the key to success, then how can humanity advance its own cause? Our forefathers recognized that an educated populace was the very foundation of democracy. Education Is Freedom is a self-help guide for humanity that allows us to individually and collectively understand the roadmap to freedom.

Humanity must indeed go back to school.

Education Is Freedom provides the “what,” “why,” and “how” of learning. It outlines the importance of education for all mankind, the power of education to change our world, and the wisdom to unlock our personal freedom while preserving our democracy.

Education is the one common denominator that separates those who are free from those who are trapped in their own reality. “Someone can take your money, your material things, your job…but they can’t take away what you know. With knowledge you can replace anything lost, you can be free to explore the world, you are beholden to no one.” Whatever challenges or adversity you face in life, embracing a learning mentality will empower you and set you free.

Education is the future, and education is freedom!


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Democracy across the world is at risk. With the polarization of today’s society, the foundational right to freedom of speech is now being challenged from all sides. The truth is under siege as misinformation and hostility have replaced critical thinking and civil discourse. Our freedom of self-determination has a prerequisite: an informed electorate. If that electorate is armed with false information or is influenced by outside forces, their actions and reactions can put democracy in jeopardy.

Today, more than ever, we must turn to the education, knowledge, and wisdom of each individual to discern right from wrong, truth from fiction, and success from failure. If learning is the key to success, then how can humanity advance its own cause? Our forefathers recognized that an educated populace was the very foundation of democracy. Education Is Freedom is a self-help guide for humanity that allows us to individually and collectively understand the roadmap to freedom.

Humanity must indeed go back to school.

Education Is Freedom provides the “what,” “why,” and “how” of learning. It outlines the importance of education for all mankind, the power of education to change our world, and the wisdom to unlock our personal freedom while preserving our democracy.

Education is the one common denominator that separates those who are free from those who are trapped in their own reality. “Someone can take your money, your material things, your job…but they can’t take away what you know. With knowledge you can replace anything lost, you can be free to explore the world, you are beholden to no one.” Whatever challenges or adversity you face in life, embracing a learning mentality will empower you and set you free.

Education is the future, and education is freedom!

About Author

James W. Keyes is a global business leader, philanthropist, educator, artist, musician, commercial pilot, and modern renaissance man. He is the former CEO of two internally recognized Fortune 500 companies, 7-Eleven, Inc. and Blockbuster, Inc. His other business interests cover a broad range of industries from retail, consumer products, technology, healthcare, cyber security, new space, energy, and advanced nuclear. He sits on several public company boards and serves as a board adviser to a venture capital firm and a number of start-up companies. Keyes’s philanthropic initiatives have an equally broad focus, including serving a three-term seat on the Board of Governors for the American Red Cross, acting as the former Chairman of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and serving on the board of directors for institutions such as UT Southwestern Medical School, Cooper Institute, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Dallas Performing Arts Center, SMU Cox School of Business, Columbia Business School, and his alma mater, College of the Holy Cross. He has had a lifelong commitment to education, serving as a founding director of the Dallas Education Foundation and is the founder of the Education Is Freedom Foundation. Keyes is a personification of the American Dream, as he comes from humble beginnings. He was inducted in 2005 as a Member of the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans.


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