Digestion: Eat Your Way to Better Health

Quadrille Publishing Ltd
| Author:
Dale Pinnock
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Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Dale Pinnock


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In this title, Dale tackles the issues people suffer with their digestion, trying to understand the reasons behind the conditions and – most importantly – how you can help yourself to relieve them. His approach is designed to work alongside conventional medical treatment. Dale believes you can relieve a whole spectrum of digestive symptoms via diet. He believes that making a long-term change to the way you eat is a far better path to good digestion than short-lived, difficult-to-follow diets. He tackles the physiology and anatomy behind each of a handful of the most common digestive complaints: bloating; constipation; IBS; inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis), and touches on reflux and food ‘intolerance’, too. He shows how the body digests different foodstuffs, therefore giving readers the tools they need to heal themselves, promote gut flora and avoid foods that can continue to ferment in the gut. The wonderful recipes in this book are divided into groups, depending on the gut condition they are intended to tackle. Lunch on Bean and corn quesadillas if you have constipation. To help relieve IBS, try Chicken and shiitake pad thai, or dine on Chicken meat loaf with roasted roots to help relieve inflammatory bowel disease. Every recipe is simple and quick to prepare with easy-to-find ingredients.


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In this title, Dale tackles the issues people suffer with their digestion, trying to understand the reasons behind the conditions and – most importantly – how you can help yourself to relieve them. His approach is designed to work alongside conventional medical treatment. Dale believes you can relieve a whole spectrum of digestive symptoms via diet. He believes that making a long-term change to the way you eat is a far better path to good digestion than short-lived, difficult-to-follow diets. He tackles the physiology and anatomy behind each of a handful of the most common digestive complaints: bloating; constipation; IBS; inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis), and touches on reflux and food ‘intolerance’, too. He shows how the body digests different foodstuffs, therefore giving readers the tools they need to heal themselves, promote gut flora and avoid foods that can continue to ferment in the gut. The wonderful recipes in this book are divided into groups, depending on the gut condition they are intended to tackle. Lunch on Bean and corn quesadillas if you have constipation. To help relieve IBS, try Chicken and shiitake pad thai, or dine on Chicken meat loaf with roasted roots to help relieve inflammatory bowel disease. Every recipe is simple and quick to prepare with easy-to-find ingredients.

About Author

Dale Pinnock is a passionate champion of the beneficial effects that food can have on our health, and he runs a successful website at www.dalepinnock.com. With degrees in Human Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine, he has in-depth knowledge of evidence-based nutritional medicine and phytonutrients. His approach is to work alongside conventional medicine and he regularly collaborates with healthcare professionals to show patients how diet and lifestyle can help in the prevention of disease. Uniquely for a nutritionist, Dale has also worked as a wholefoods chef and he is committed to making it easy for us to unlock the full potential of the nutrients in our food to maintain our health and fight disease. Dale has written two previous books, The Medicinal Chef: Eat Your Way to Better Health and The Medicinal Chef: Healthy Every Day, also published by Quadrille.


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