Dethroning Mammon: Making Money Serve Grace: The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2017

Bloomsbury Publishing
| Author:
Justin Welby
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Bloomsbury Publishing
Justin Welby


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In his first full-length book Justin Welby looks at the subject of money and materialism. Designed for study in the weeks of Lent leading up to Easter, Dethroning Mammon reflects on the impact of our own attitudes, and of the pressures that surround us, on how we handle the power of money, called Mammon in this book. Who will be on the throne of our lives? Who will direct our actions and attitudes? Is it Jesus Christ, who brings truth, hope and freedom? Or is it Mammon, so attractive, so clear, but leading us into paths that tangle, trip and deceive? Archbishop Justin explores the tensions that arise in a society dominated by Mammon’s modern aliases, economics and finance, and by the pressures of our culture to conform to Mammon’s expectations. Following the Gospels towards Easter, this book asks the reader what it means to dethrone Mammon in the values and priorities of our civilisation and in our own existence. In Dethroning Mammon, Archbishop Justin challenges us to use Lent as a time of learning to trust in the abundance and grace of God.


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In his first full-length book Justin Welby looks at the subject of money and materialism. Designed for study in the weeks of Lent leading up to Easter, Dethroning Mammon reflects on the impact of our own attitudes, and of the pressures that surround us, on how we handle the power of money, called Mammon in this book. Who will be on the throne of our lives? Who will direct our actions and attitudes? Is it Jesus Christ, who brings truth, hope and freedom? Or is it Mammon, so attractive, so clear, but leading us into paths that tangle, trip and deceive? Archbishop Justin explores the tensions that arise in a society dominated by Mammon’s modern aliases, economics and finance, and by the pressures of our culture to conform to Mammon’s expectations. Following the Gospels towards Easter, this book asks the reader what it means to dethrone Mammon in the values and priorities of our civilisation and in our own existence. In Dethroning Mammon, Archbishop Justin challenges us to use Lent as a time of learning to trust in the abundance and grace of God.

About Author

Justin Welby has been Archbishop of Canterbury since 213. His interest and experience in financial matters have their roots in his work, prior to ordination, as Group Treasurer of an oil company. As a parish priest in the Midlands he chaired an NHS trust; and more recently he served on the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, investigating the 28 financial crash.


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