Dare To Dream

Gyan Books
| Author:
Stephen Touthang
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| Format:
Gyan Books
Stephen Touthang


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About the book: ABOUT THE BOOK: Dare to Dream is a manual for soaring high in life. It analyses the condition of our present society. Growth is slowed down by corruption and violence which is the upshot of our trite and hackneyed system of education that has underscored so much on ‘being smart’ rather than ‘being good’. Amidst this situation, we need a new generation of people, who will dare to dream and change the status quo. The crème de la crème of this book can be put in one Latin phrase per aspera ad astra which means ‘through hardships to the stars’. This book helps one to identify ‘one’s star’ (dream) and how one can chase that star and gradually grab it. The star is the goal. The process of finding out the goal is called goalsetting and how to chase the star is the process of motivating – fueling a person with key ingredients or condiciones sine quibus non for success such as courage, determination, faith in oneself etc. The star which seems so far, and so high becomes one’s own prized possession because one dares to dream. Many people feel as if they’re adrift in the world. They work hard but they don’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile. They sink into lassitude and languor. They have no more verve, vigour to set out on a major odyssey that will lead them ‘tryst with destiny’. This book aims to retrieve and redeem such persons who have fallen prey to indolence and apathy and once again make them set sail for their dreams with a renewed ardour to metamophose their dreams into reality. This book will help one to spot one’s digressions and prevent one to go off at a tangent in one’s chosen path by knowing precisely what one wants to achieve. This book is designed finally to challenge everyone ad posse ad esse (from possiblity to actuality). Where there is a dream, there is a difference!


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About the book: ABOUT THE BOOK: Dare to Dream is a manual for soaring high in life. It analyses the condition of our present society. Growth is slowed down by corruption and violence which is the upshot of our trite and hackneyed system of education that has underscored so much on ‘being smart’ rather than ‘being good’. Amidst this situation, we need a new generation of people, who will dare to dream and change the status quo. The crème de la crème of this book can be put in one Latin phrase per aspera ad astra which means ‘through hardships to the stars’. This book helps one to identify ‘one’s star’ (dream) and how one can chase that star and gradually grab it. The star is the goal. The process of finding out the goal is called goalsetting and how to chase the star is the process of motivating – fueling a person with key ingredients or condiciones sine quibus non for success such as courage, determination, faith in oneself etc. The star which seems so far, and so high becomes one’s own prized possession because one dares to dream. Many people feel as if they’re adrift in the world. They work hard but they don’t seem to get anywhere worthwhile. They sink into lassitude and languor. They have no more verve, vigour to set out on a major odyssey that will lead them ‘tryst with destiny’. This book aims to retrieve and redeem such persons who have fallen prey to indolence and apathy and once again make them set sail for their dreams with a renewed ardour to metamophose their dreams into reality. This book will help one to spot one’s digressions and prevent one to go off at a tangent in one’s chosen path by knowing precisely what one wants to achieve. This book is designed finally to challenge everyone ad posse ad esse (from possiblity to actuality). Where there is a dream, there is a difference!

About Author

About the book: ABOUT THE BOOK: Dare to Dream is a manual for soaring high in life. It analyses the condition of our present society. Growth is slowed down by corruption and violence which is the upshot of our trite and hackneyed system of education that has underscored so much on 'being smart' rather than 'being good'. Amidst this situation, we need a new generation of people, who will dare to dream and change the status quo. The crème de la crème of this book can be put in one Latin phrase per aspera ad astra which means 'through hardships to the stars'. This book helps one to identify 'one's star' (dream) and how one can chase that star and gradually grab it. The star is the goal. The process of finding out the goal is called goalsetting and how to chase the star is the process of motivating – fueling a person with key ingredients or condiciones sine quibus non for success such as courage, determination, faith in oneself etc. The star which seems so far, and so high becomes one's own prized possession because one dares to dream. Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. They sink into lassitude and languor. They have no more verve, vigour to set out on a major odyssey that will lead them 'tryst with destiny'. This book aims to retrieve and redeem such persons who have fallen prey to indolence and apathy and once again make them set sail for their dreams with a renewed ardour to metamophose their dreams into reality. This book will help one to spot one's digressions and prevent one to go off at a tangent in one's chosen path by knowing precisely what one wants to achieve. This book is designed finally to challenge everyone ad posse ad esse (from possiblity to actuality). Where there is a dream, there is a difference!


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