Black Limericks

Roli Books
| Author:
Ranjit Lal
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| Format:
Roli Books
Ranjit Lal


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Completely outclassed and overwhelmed by her genius younger brother Jayant, 17-year old Maya has always regarded herself as a background person . Her only gift, it seems, is her ability to produce instant limericks a talent which leaves her brother unimpressed and her friends appalled. All excepting Yash, the quick-witted precocious 15-year-old shoulder-high boy she meets while on holiday at her uncle s beach resort on the west coast. However, a terrible truth, held back at a vital juncture changes her life forever and Maya suddenly finds herself catapulted to the centre of the universe with the world looking up at her with awe and respect . But Hari, her obnoxious 19-year-old cousin, plans his moves with predatory cunning and a nightmare beyond belief begins for Maya, from which there seems no escape. Until one night when the spring tide runs strong and Maya is faced head on by her greatest fear yet again and must redeem or condemn herself forever


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Completely outclassed and overwhelmed by her genius younger brother Jayant, 17-year old Maya has always regarded herself as a background person . Her only gift, it seems, is her ability to produce instant limericks a talent which leaves her brother unimpressed and her friends appalled. All excepting Yash, the quick-witted precocious 15-year-old shoulder-high boy she meets while on holiday at her uncle s beach resort on the west coast. However, a terrible truth, held back at a vital juncture changes her life forever and Maya suddenly finds herself catapulted to the centre of the universe with the world looking up at her with awe and respect . But Hari, her obnoxious 19-year-old cousin, plans his moves with predatory cunning and a nightmare beyond belief begins for Maya, from which there seems no escape. Until one night when the spring tide runs strong and Maya is faced head on by her greatest fear yet again and must redeem or condemn herself forever

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