Anxiety & Depression: Eat Your Way to Better Health

Quadrille Publishing Ltd
| Author:
Dale Pinnock
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Quadrille Publishing Ltd
Dale Pinnock


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In this title, Dale clearly explains how you can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression by changing the way you eat. He unpicks the physiology and anatomy of anxiety and depression to show how diet can beneficially affect the hormones that alter mood. And don’t think, in order to improve how you feel from day to day that you will be eating salad and tofu for ever. On the contrary, if starting your day with a Toasted muffin with smoked salmon, spinach and hollandaise sounds good, then this is the diet for you. Or try a sinus- (and mind-) clearing Salmon, avocado and wasabi wrap for lunch. A fabulous Thai-style seafood noodle soup or fish pie will also help you maintain a healthy mindset, while Chocolate crunch pots will put a smile on your face as it also works to help relieve your symptoms.


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In this title, Dale clearly explains how you can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression by changing the way you eat. He unpicks the physiology and anatomy of anxiety and depression to show how diet can beneficially affect the hormones that alter mood. And don’t think, in order to improve how you feel from day to day that you will be eating salad and tofu for ever. On the contrary, if starting your day with a Toasted muffin with smoked salmon, spinach and hollandaise sounds good, then this is the diet for you. Or try a sinus- (and mind-) clearing Salmon, avocado and wasabi wrap for lunch. A fabulous Thai-style seafood noodle soup or fish pie will also help you maintain a healthy mindset, while Chocolate crunch pots will put a smile on your face as it also works to help relieve your symptoms.

About Author

Dale Pinnock is a passionate champion of the beneficial effects that food can have on our health, and he runs a successful website at With degrees in Human Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Medicine, he has in-depth knowledge of evidence-based nutritional medicine and phytonutrients. His approach is to work alongside conventional medicine and he regularly collaborates with healthcare professionals to show patients how diet and lifestyle can help in the prevention of disease. Uniquely for a nutritionist, Dale has also worked as a wholefoods chef and he is committed to making it easy for us to unlock the full potential of the nutrients in our food to maintain our health and fight disease. Dale has written two previous books, The Medicinal Chef: Eat Your Way to Better Health and The Medicinal Chef: Healthy Every Day, also published by Quadrille.


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